
The Past, Present and Future of Realism

Arash Heydarian Pashakhanlou • Jan 15 2018 • Articles

The inability of structural realist theories to shed light on international relations will continue as long as unipolarity ensues. Thus, new theories need to be developed.

Securitisation Theory: An Introduction

Clara Eroukhmanoff • Jan 14 2018 • Articles

Securitisation challenges ideas about the universality and objectivity of security and emphasises the ways in which knowledge is not merely ‘out there’ but is driven by interests.

When Hard Power Shrinks: The Midlife Crisis of Realism

Tony C. Lee • Jan 14 2018 • Articles

Despite significant amendments, realism still suffers from empirical inconsistency. The reason is straightforward: its fundamental principles of power never change.

The Practice of Realism in International Relations

Davide Orsi, J.R. Avgustin and Max Nurnus • Jan 9 2018 • Articles

Realism’s wisdom ensures that it not only remains a cornerstone of IR theory, but also thrives in the broader fields of political studies and political theory.

Slobodan Praljak’s Suicide and International Criminal Justice

Alexander Heinze • Jan 9 2018 • Articles

Hard treatment is a necessary prerequisite for an essential goal of International Criminal Justice: restorative justice, whether in the form of compensation or restitution or otherwise.

Introducing Green Theory in International Relations

Hugh Dyer • Jan 7 2018 • Articles

Green theory allows a broader ecological perspective on our common human interests and emphasises choices made within ecological, rather than political, boundaries.

Introducing Queer Theory in International Relations

Markus Thiel • Jan 7 2018 • Articles

In a time when IR is often accused of being parochial, queer theory is a theoretically inclusive – and necessary corrective – to powerful myths and narratives of international orders.

What Has Russia Achieved in Syria?

Robert Clark • Jan 7 2018 • Articles

Syrian intervention has showcased to the world that Russia is again a military power to be reckoned with, capable of sustaining a military campaign far from its borders.

Addressing Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Challenges in South Asia

Rizwana Abbasi • Jan 6 2018 • Articles

This article highlights six challenges to the nuclear regime followed by a three-step approach to finding common ground to reduce the risk of nuclear conflict between India and Pakistan.

Pop-Culture and Trump, Part 3: Roger Waters Vs. The Big Man, Pig Man

Robert A. Saunders • Jan 4 2018 • Articles

The Us + Them tour represents the current pinnacle in the meeting of pop-culture and global politics, as Waters has mobilised his political fervour for the world stage.

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