
Introducing Feminism in International Relations Theory

Sarah Smith • Jan 4 2018 • Articles

Feminist research has demonstrated the value in taking women’s experiences and contributions seriously and used that as a base to demonstrate how IR rests on, and perpetuates, gendered ideas.

Colonialism: Why Write Back?

George Sefa Dei and Chizoba Imoka • Jan 3 2018 • Articles

European knowledge conception of development needs to be brought down from its high global pedestal and put alongside other sidelined, non-European knowledge systems.

Introducing Global Justice in International Relations Theory

Alix Dietzel • Jan 2 2018 • Articles

Global justice scholars have contributed to IR theory by shifting the focus to individuals on a planetary scale and approaching problems of global cohabitation in a new way.

The Role of Emotions in the Processes of Interaction with International Law

Nicolás Carrillo • Jan 2 2018 • Articles

As individuals are emotional beings, it is not surprising that emotions can play a role in conduct that shapes, or is addressed by, international law.

The Saudi-Lebanon Imbroglio and Geopolitical Realignments in West Asia

Ramu C. M. • Dec 29 2017 • Articles

The Saudi-Hariri affair has fueled a lot of resentment among the Lebanese people, supposedly aimed at stoking sectarian tensions to achieve political gains.

Getting Started with International Relations Theory

The sheer volume of different IR theories should be a warning to you that International Relations still is a young discipline that is undergoing significant formative development.

India, Japan and Preservation of the Asian Territorial Order

S. Kalyanaraman • Dec 24 2017 • Articles

It may be prudent for India, Japan and their mutual partners to send an unambiguous message to China with regard to its territorial and hegemonic ambitions in Asia.

Bounty≠Consumerism: An International, Aesthetic Christmas

Patricia Sohn • Dec 24 2017 • Articles

Consumerism is all about Pride. Fighting consumerism in Christmas, ironically, can also be all about pride.

Lex Specialis and the Interpretation of Article 50 TEU

Jed Odermatt • Dec 21 2017 • Articles

Article 50 of the TEU must be applied complementarily with other treaties, otherwise, conflicts arise between international law and the limited provisions in Article 50.

10th Anniversary Post – Pop Culture @ E-IR: A Reflection

Robert A. Saunders • Dec 21 2017 • Articles

We seek to enlighten our readers about the ways in which the everyday inform how states and non-state actors negotiate geopolitics and its attendant forces.

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