
The End Days of the World System? Before Armageddon the Long Nights of Ignorance

Stephen Chan • Nov 30 2017 • Articles

It is impossible to turn religious enquiry into a foreign policy brief or accord it much utilitarian use in foreign policy formulation as it allows no options for actions.

Diplomacy and the End of Foreign Policy as We Know It

Stephen Chan • Nov 30 2017 • Articles

The future global environment might depend less on the attractions of defining ‘rational actors’, and more on finding ways forward in much messier than before processes.

Is Russia a Strong State? The Complex Relationship with the Chechen Leadership

Alexander Tabachnik • Nov 29 2017 • Articles

The mass protests by Muslims in Moscow in September 2017 have demonstrated the increasing complexity of the relationship between Moscow and the Chechen leadership.

The Golden Age of Special Operations Forces

Abigail Watson • Nov 28 2017 • Articles

Special Operation Forces have been a defining feature of US military engagement in its post-9/11 wars, yet few understand the dangers of their increased use.

Understanding the Continuation of Violence in the Texas Church Shooting

Elina Penttinen and Ada Schwanck • Nov 27 2017 • Articles

Violence is part of our society. Recognizing gender-based violence as a global problem challenges IR researchers to pay attention to how it operates in the Global North.

The Separability of Jihad

Stephen Chan • Nov 26 2017 • Articles

It may be in the social origins of the psychology of jihad, rather than in foreign policy, that we might best begin some meaningful work on exploring this phenomenon.

China’s Economic Multilateral Diplomacy

Stephen Chan • Nov 26 2017 • Articles

China seeks its moment of inclusion globally. Simultaneously, it seeks not just inclusivity but centrality within alternative forms of international organisation.

Brexit and the Consequences for International Peacebuilding

Vladimir Kmec • Nov 23 2017 • Articles

The UK’s departure from the EU might arguably leave not only the UK but also the EU more inward-looking and less engaged in world affairs.

Did RT Influence the 2016 US Elections?

Rhys Crilley • Nov 21 2017 • Articles

Rather than forcing RT to register as a foreign agent, efforts should be spent on making RT clarify any opaque business and editorial structures.

Catalonian Referendum: Democracy, Legality and the EU’s Role

Yanina Welp • Nov 20 2017 • Articles

The Catalan elections are unlikely to resolve the conflict in Spain. But they should open room for dialogue as there is no other option that could restore legitimacy.

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