
Nurturing Cognitive and Affective Empathy: The Benefits of Perspective-Taking

Jan Lüdert and Katriona Stewart • Nov 19 2017 • Articles

Course intention and design must balance cognitive learning with affective learning, while also incorporating psychomotor learning through engaging class activities.

Global South Perspectives on International Relations Theory

Global South perspectives open up the possibility of different, fairer relations that represent the interests of all concerned and challenge international institutions to be more representative.

Insider and Outsider: Israel’s Demons in the New Millennium

Stephen Chan • Nov 19 2017 • Articles

As Israel consolidated its place in the Middle East, few anymore questioned its right to exist – but many questioned its right to exist within its expansionist borders.

The World Unites and Disunites: Someone Must Try to Keep It Together

Stephen Chan • Nov 18 2017 • Articles

If Angelina Jolie speaks for refugees, even the most hard-hearted government listens. A curious populist horizontality has come to accompany the political hierarchy of the UN.

Securitization and Elections: Speaking Security at Ballot Boxes and Beyond

Faye Donnelly and Bao-Chau Pham • Nov 18 2017 • Articles

Adopting securitization as a rhetorical strategy in elections, rather than the language of compromise, can give rise to potentially divisive long-term ramifications.

Gender Matters: Mainstreaming Women, Peace and Security at NATO

Katharine Wright • Nov 17 2017 • Articles

The aim must be to transform practice through better representing women’s agency, rather than reinforcing regressive gendered logics.

Brexit, Trump and the Rise of Jihadism as Rejection of the Political Status Quo

Joshua Skoczylis • Nov 15 2017 • Articles

The solutions to extremism and terrorism lie in a rejection of the status quo. It is the power of the elites and political shortsightedness which make progress difficult.

The Imponderables of Middle Eastern Diplomacy

Stephen Chan • Nov 12 2017 • Articles

Unlike almost every other conflict, where borders have been inscribed in earlier agreements, those between Israel and Palestine have changed dramatically – with each change shrinking Palestine.

Strategic Narratives of the BRICS: A Visual Analysis

Carolijn van Noort • Nov 9 2017 • Articles

The formation of strategic narratives empowers the BRICS group in the battle of narratives to give meaning to the international order in a complex global media landscape.

Who is Not a Refugee?

Phil Cole • Nov 8 2017 • Articles

What I want to draw attention to here are the not-refugees, especially those we classify as ‘economic’ migrants but who are fleeing places in search of basic survival.

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