
The Nazi Movement Today: Our Cousins, Ourselves

Patricia Sohn • Oct 26 2017 • Articles

It is about time that the white supremacists among us learn that they do not own the Right. Nor do they represent it.

High Stakes for Palestinians: Israel as ‘the State of the Jewish People’?

Farid Abdel-Nour • Oct 24 2017 • Articles

The recent moves to assert the Jewish identity of the state of Israel, undermine hope for a future resolution of the conflict on the symbolic level as well.

Austrian Elections: A ‘shift to the Right’ and a ‘mixed Bag’ for Europe

Christine Neuhold • Oct 24 2017 • Articles

Recent elections in Austria are a ‘mixed bag’ result for Europe, with the People’s Party speaking out for integration and the Freedom Party seeing ‘renationalisation’.

How the BRICS Exert Influence in the Global Politics of Development

Matthias vom Hau • Oct 24 2017 • Articles

The strategies BRICS countries use to cement their rising economic position depend on their particular circumstances and national economic and political characteristics

The Influence of China in Bringing Peace to Myanmar

Aisha Ismail and Elliot Dolan-Evans • Oct 23 2017 • Articles

China’s overall strategy in the world’s longest civil war that takes place in Myanmar is unclear, and its interests may not always align with a robust peace process.

Going Grassroots: Visiting the Foreign Locales of Arkansas and Southwest Texas

Patricia Sohn • Oct 19 2017 • Articles

Travelling through the Southwest of the USA reveals that there is much to learn about a local culture not yet homogenized by the great thrust of globalization.

Anthropocentrism and the Politics of the Living

Rafi Youatt • Oct 18 2017 • Articles

Questions around the interactions and practices of living beings to produce international outcomes open up in IR around the politics of life after anthropocentrism.

Should Australia Establish a Modern Slavery Act?

Heli Askola • Oct 16 2017 • Articles

The corporate social responsibility of businesses may serve to obscure the fact that the primary responsibility for the protection of human rights belongs to states.

The ‘Nature’ of International Relations: From Geopolitics to the Anthropocene

Olaf Corry • Oct 15 2017 • Articles

The challenge is to find a way forward that does not revive geography as a condition of great power competition, but rather one that grapples with an Anthropocene IR.

Performing the Posthuman: An Essay in Three Acts

Stefanie Fishel • Oct 15 2017 • Articles

If last century was more about freeing the carbon than it was about freeing humanity from its chains, this century could be able to understand our posthuman condition.

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