
Opinion – What Could Save France from Macron’s Self-inflicted Defeat?

Sonia Garzon • Jul 2 2024 • Articles

Marcionism’s defeat in the first round of the legislative elections showed that fear and economic reasons are poor arguments for regaining French voters’ support.

21st Century Geopolitical Economy: Elite Sport’s Complex New World

Simon Chadwick • Jul 2 2024 • Articles

For individual nations, their governments, businesses, and even their fans, how they engage with sport is determined by a combination of geographic, economic, and political factors.

Theocratic Biopolitics: From Political Theology to Affirmative Biopolitics

Vassilios Paipais • Jul 2 2024 • Articles

A theocratic, as opposed to theo-political, life can be found embodied in contemporary forms of everyday resistance to both neoliberal and populist biopolitics.

Understanding International Law Through Postinternational Theory and Heterarchy

Ndzalama C. Mathebula • Jun 27 2024 • Articles

As global complexity increases it has become challenging to explain the IR phenomenon through the prominent international relations theories.

Opinion – The Unholy Alliance: Fossil Fuels and War

Svitlana Romanko • Jun 25 2024 • Articles

The transition to clean, renewable energy is an economic and strategic necessity for Ukraine struggling for energy security and a critical component of ensuring global peace and security.

National Populism and Anti-Globalism: Conspiracy Theories and the Reactionary International

Joseph Patrick McAulay • Jun 25 2024 • Articles

Conspiracy theories is a further instrument in the rhetorical toolkit of the reactionary international which is integral to both their political ideology and to their wider political project.

Opinion – Incels: New Political Actors Emerging from the Manosphere?

Shannon Zimmerman • Jun 24 2024 • Articles

The emerging recognition that Incel violence counts as political violence, indicates that this is a group of actors with an emerging political footprint that must be considered.

Opinion – Washington-Baku Cooperation Towards COP29 in a Fragmented World

Wilder Alejandro Sánchez • Jun 23 2024 • Articles

COP29 comes amidst an increasingly fragmented and violent global (dis)order, giving the Azerbaijani presidency the monumental task of convincing participants to put their differences aside.

Queer IR and The Coloniality of Humanitarian Intervention

Patrick Vernon • Jun 19 2024 • Articles

Colonialism continues to operate through liberal rights-based language, often rendering it more informal and undetectable.

Opinion – How Inclusive is ‘Inclusion’ When it Comes to Palestine?

Dina Zbeidy • Jun 18 2024 • Articles

If workplaces are serious about inclusion they should create spaces for talking about, mourning, and critiquing the human rights violations of Palestinians.

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