
Fifty Years of Israeli Occupation

Raphael Cohen-Almagor • Oct 14 2017 • Articles

The United States has a great role to play in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. It should work together with both to reduce the friction between the two sides.

The Weird and Wonderful Virtues of Human Geography

Daniel Clausen • Oct 14 2017 • Articles

When one reads Human Geography seriously, one is more open to the creative dance of complex causes and open to lumpy landscapes.

Global Security in a Posthuman Age? IR and the Anthropocene Challenge

Delf Rothe • Oct 13 2017 • Articles

Subjectivity refers to a form of self-identity that is marked by a constitutive lack-of-fullness. The subject is a void in the signifying structure.

Ecological Security

Matt McDonald • Oct 12 2017 • Articles

By linking climate change and security, the challenge posed by climate change compels us to think in new ways about what security means and how it might be realised. 

The Subjects of Posthuman IR

Darian Meacham • Oct 12 2017 • Articles

The notion of the posthuman considered in biological or functional terms is of course interesting and important, but it is the human subject that matters to politics.

Trump’s Dream and Tocqueville’s Nightmare

MJ Fox • Oct 12 2017 • Articles

The current erosion of agency amongst citizens in the U.S. is bringing us closer than ever to Tocqueville’s cautions of the path to despotism

Posthuman Security and Care in the Anthropocene

Cameron Harrington • Oct 10 2017 • Articles

The Anthropocene compels us to acknowledge how security interacts with diverse lifeworlds that exist around humans, acting in ways both pacific and threatening.

Hybridity and Humility: What of the Human in Posthuman Security?

Elke Schwarz • Oct 10 2017 • Articles

A challenge in modern thinking about technology is the gap between the technologies we produce and our imagination regarding the uses to which this technology is put.

Between Radical Posthumanism and Weak Anthropocentrism

Carolin Kaltofen • Oct 10 2017 • Articles

Analysing posthuman-ness calls into question whether posthuman IR is posthuman as none of IR’s posthumanesque disquisitions develop an ontology of the international.

‘Posthuman Security’: Reflections from an Open-ended Conversation

Audra Mitchell • Oct 8 2017 • Articles

Posthuman security discourse places both of its key terms ‘posthumanism’ and ‘security’ in constant question and refuses closure into any particular vision of either.

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