
Turkey’s Unholy Alliance in Syria

Mustafa Demir • Sep 14 2017 • Articles

Turkey’s new doctrine sees the future of the country in a coalition with Russia and China. Turkey’s NATO membership is no longer a priority for this ‘unholy alliance’.

Fatal Distraction: Maintaining Proper Focus in Chaos

Jason Schultz • Sep 14 2017 • Articles

Will the US be able to effectively focus its efforts and convince the world that its policies and strategies are correct despite the distraction of the latest headlines?

What New Declassifications Reveal about the 1953 Coup in Iran

Rajeesh Kumar • Sep 7 2017 • Articles

The papers provide more detail on the hypocrisy of the US as a promoter of democratic values yet also a conspirer to remove an elected government.

The Colonial Politics of Recognition in Trudeau’s Relationship with Indigenous Nations

Devin Zane Shaw and Veldon Coburn • Sep 7 2017 • Articles

Trudeau recognizes Indigenous peoples not as territorial-based nations, but as historically oppressed cultural groups requiring state protection.

Back to the Future? Martial Law and the Peace Processes in the Philippines

Rikard Jalkebro • Sep 4 2017 • Articles

Military rule and restrictive measures towards civilians will spark more discontent and violence in Mindanao, meaning that peace is unlikely to happen anytime soon.

Pakistan’s Role in Western and Middle East Security

Kamal Alam • Aug 28 2017 • Articles

Pakistan’s Army is playing an important role in securing stability in the West and Middle East and is leading the fight against terror in an increasingly volatile world.

European Defense: Back to Tervuren?

Gabriela Marin Thornton and Tobias J. Oder • Aug 26 2017 • Articles

The EU has an opportunity to relaunch its military coordination and work towards the Tervuren Summit’s goals: more coordinated and integrated military defense in Europe.

Can the Liberal International Order Survive the ‘Age of Trump’?

Alan S Alexandroff • Aug 25 2017 • Articles

Now is the time to find out if the liberal international order can indeed operate multilaterally with coalitions and importantly with and without the United States.

Pop-culture & Trump, Part I: Five Sci-Fi Films to Watch during the Trumpocalypse

Robert A. Saunders • Aug 24 2017 • Articles

Five speculative/science fiction movies can help us reflect on Donald Trump, his times, and his presidency.

Deciphering the Numbers: Employment in the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor

Jabin T. Jacob • Aug 22 2017 • Articles

The conditions that affect the progress of the CPEC – including number and quality of jobs generated – should be matters of concern to policymakers in the neighbourhood.

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