
Decolonising and Queering Praxis: The Unanswerable Questions for ‘Queer Asia’

Po-Han Lee • Aug 17 2017 • Articles

In the light of the wariness of contemporary political-cultural conjuncture, the denial of access to a liveable life has been legitimated in the name of decolonisation.

The G20 Summit’s Virtual Mob: Are Courts Prepared for a New Age of Protests?

Alexander Heinze • Aug 17 2017 • Articles

Jumping on the bandwagon of demonizing crowds does not quite get to the point of violent protests and their causes.

Reasonable Testing Accommodations for English Language Learners in IR Classrooms

Daniel Clausen • Aug 14 2017 • Articles

As the number of ELLs increase in university classrooms, it will be important for instructors to develop supporting approaches that are both fair and effective.

The Fallacies of the Cyprus “Problem”

Ilias Kouskouvelis • Aug 12 2017 • Articles

If anyone wants genuinely to find a solution to the Cyprus “problem”, they should start where all negotiations should have had started since 1974: Turkey.

The Qatar Standoff and US Interests

Kristian Coates Ulrichsen • Aug 11 2017 • Articles

US policymakers must recognise that from this dispute no winners will emerge and that the lines between good and bad are not as clear as the protagonists believe.

The Next Front in a Very Long War

Harvey M. Sapolsky • Aug 11 2017 • Articles

War memorials are ways in which nations define the conflict for posterity and thus are intensely political in presence and purpose.

The US Response to North Korea: The Cyber Option

Matthew S. Cohen • Aug 7 2017 • Articles

Despite the dangers of a cyber response to North Korea, the US could block North Korea’s access to cyber-space and make it clear that the they were behind the attacks.

On the Verge of the Darkness: Dystopic Movies and Contemporary Global Challenges

Alberto Frigerio • Aug 4 2017 • Articles

Critiquing dystopic movies as representations of the here and now is a good method to raise interest about modern challenges and stimulate a debate over the solutions.

The Role of Policewomen in Ending Gender Violence in Afghanistan

Michelle Jasmin Dimasi and Daniel Zimmer • Aug 3 2017 • Articles

Afghanistan remains unpredictable and unsafe. Education, equal rights, and the rule of law through women’s empowerment are pivotal in improving the country’s security.

Mass Migrations across the World-System’s History

Yoan Molinero Gerbeau • Aug 1 2017 • Articles

Migration – apart from forced migration – is not a rational choice, but the result of the migrant’s decisions taken in the restrictive frame of the global world-system.

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