
Crimea 2014: Recapping Five Months of Change in Ukraine

David R. Marples • Jul 23 2017 • Articles

The West is simply unable to predict Vladimir Putin’s next move and NATO is belatedly bolstering its position in the eastern borderland member states.

Igor Strelkov: Moscow Agent or Military Romantic?

David R. Marples • Jul 22 2017 • Articles

The Ukrainian Security Service insists that Strelkov took his orders directly from Moscow. But how true is this? Who is Strelkov and what is his background and outlook?

Inside the Head of Vladimir Putin

David R. Marples • Jul 22 2017 • Articles

Whatever the outcome of the Crimean annexation, it is difficult to see where one of the world’s most most self-obsessed and egotistical leaders goes from here.

Is Trump the New Multicultural Internationalist?

Patricia Sohn • Jul 21 2017 • Articles

It is time for the Democrats to look at themselves in the mirror. Vanity, thy name is corruption. 

Revenge of Zarqawi: The Islamic State Attacks in Iran

Vesna Markovic and Kenneth E. Gray • Jul 21 2017 • Articles

From its inception, the Islamic State has focused on the Shi’a as the main enemy. The attack in Iran may serve to increase tensions in the already volatile Middle East.

Studying Conflict and Practicing Peacebuilding

Richard Caplan • Jul 20 2017 • Articles

To overcome the ‘epistemological gap’ that reflects the limits of our current knowledge it is imperative for scholars to study war and peace together.

Reassessing the European Convention on Human Rights in the Context of Brexit

Jonathan Cooper • Jul 19 2017 • Articles

The decisions of the ECHR have enhanced Britain’s democratic institutions and improved the quality of everyday life for those within the jurisdiction.

The Election of President Rouhani: Iran’s Economy & Security

Satgin Hamrah • Jul 18 2017 • Articles

Rouhani’s re-election in Iran means the continuation of his reform process, reaffirmation of international partnerships and the development of new partnerships.

The US, China and the Real Thucydides Trap

Ilias Kouskouvelis • Jul 16 2017 • Articles

War is avoidable. The real ‘Thucydides Trap’ is not that of competition and fear. The answer lies in Thucydides’ multi-causal thinking.

Ukraine’s Association Agreement with the EU: Acceptable Compromises and Shared Hypocrisies

David R. Marples • Jul 16 2017 • Articles

If one can separate the Agreement from economic and human rights issues, it will mark a turning point for Ukraine and a path away from the Soviet legacy toward a European future.

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