
The Ukrainian Army Is Unprepared for War

David R. Marples • Jul 16 2017 • Articles

The failure to deal with fundamental problems of the army is undermining the war effort and alienating the troops conducting the main fighting.


David R. Marples • Jul 15 2017 • Articles

Glancing at social media provides ample evidence of the degeneration of the debate into platitudes and crude insults directed at Vladimir Putin.

Analysing Euromaidan from the West

David R. Marples • Jul 15 2017 • Articles

We need to adopt a broader perspective that encompasses the views of all residents of Ukraine. Revolutions are complicated affairs, and there is always more gray than black and white.

Comparing Ukraine’s Maidan 2004 with Euromaidan 2014

David R. Marples • Jul 14 2017 • Articles

There are more differences than similarities between the two protests, indicating a lack of continuity rather than a revival of past animosities.

Kyiv Revisited

David R. Marples • Jul 14 2017 • Articles

Euromaidan has unleashed forces dormant for decades and there is no indication of an end game. The relative calmness of this beautiful city in this sense is illusory.

The Destruction of ‘Colonial Remnants’ in Ukraine

David R. Marples • Jul 14 2017 • Articles

One should not belittle Ukrainian achievements. Its media is relatively free, and its elections are generally fair, in contrast to those of Russia and Belarus.

No Easy Victory

Barry Stentiford • Jul 12 2017 • Articles

Strategic leaders and the American public should recognize that ending wars will often result in something different from what was sought at the beginning.

Pakistan’s Role in China’s One Belt One Road Initiative

Grant Farr • Jul 10 2017 • Articles

The project’s success hinges on China’s ability to convince Pakistanis that they are neither a new version of the Raj, nor an exploitative superpower.

Reassessing the European Convention on Human Rights in the Light of Brexit

Tobias Lock • Jul 10 2017 • Articles

But even if in the eyes of its advocates Brexit goes well, it is only a matter of time until the ECtHR hands down a judgment against the UK that will be controversial.

Is Russia America’s Enemy?

Brad Nelson and Yohanes Sulaiman • Jul 9 2017 • Articles

It does the US, as well as the international community, no good if discussion and debate about US-Russian relations aren’t grounded in sound logic and empirical evidence.

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