
Race and Coloniality in Cybersecurity

Densua Mumford and James Shires • Nov 10 2023 • Articles

Cybersecurity should theorise (in)security as experienced by various marginalised groups, such as LGBTQI+ people, Black women and indigenous peoples.

The Overstretch Dilemma: Navigating the Precarious Balance of US Foreign Aid

Andrew Latham and Raymond Yu • Nov 9 2023 • Articles

The contrast in aid dynamics between Israel and Ukraine reflects not merely a resource allocation challenge but a deeper strategic prioritization conundrum.

Implications of Biodiversity Loss on National and International Security

Ben Parker • Nov 7 2023 • Articles

Based on the performance of biodiversity conservation efforts to date, it is very difficult to stem and even more so to reverse.

Gaza: A Dark History Shared by Israelis and Palestinians

Martin Duffy • Nov 7 2023 • Articles

Whether Israeli or Palestinian, the voices, and the toll of loss, have seldom seemed starker in what appears to be an insoluble conflict.

The Westphalian Normalization Conundrum in Sub-Saharan West Africa: The Curious Case of Ivorian Soldiers

Ian Edgerly • Nov 6 2023 • Articles

Westernized theories might be updated to reflect so-called “non-normative” worldviews, thus allowing for deeper and more meaningful analysis.

Poems from Guantánamo: Writing as an Everyday Practice of Resistance

Yesa Portela Ormond • Nov 6 2023 • Articles

The Guantánamo poems show us that lives are connected, no matter where “we” are and no matter when “we” are. Like an everyday practice of resistance that is not ours, but talks to us.

Opinion – North Korea’s Nuclear Tests and Potential Human Rights Violations

Yuchan Kim • Nov 4 2023 • Articles

Despite regime propaganda asserting safety, multiple groups have raised accusations concerning radioactive leakage within, and beyond, North Korea.

Last Exit? A Three-State Solution to the Israel-Palestinian Dispute

Martin A. Smith • Nov 3 2023 • Articles

With neither the two- or one-state options offering a practical solution, a three-state option is the last chance to negotiate a sustainable exit.

Opinion – Keep an Eye on Djibouti

Mukesh Kapila • Nov 3 2023 • Articles

To fulfil its geographical destiny, Djibouti needs the international community to come together to help it become a decent, democratic, developed nation.

On the (Very) Ancient Origins of Just War and Its Lessons for Today

Rory Cox • Nov 2 2023 • Articles

Ancient just war traditions demonstrate how absolute judgements in the realms of morality or justice can intensify the brutality of war.

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