
Criminalising Search and Rescue Operations in the Mediterranean

Matilde Ventrella • Jun 10 2017 • Articles

It is crucial to involve NGOs in the fight against trafficking by allowing them to work and support in their mission of saving lives at sea and from human trafficking.

A Brief Reflection on the 2017 UK General Election

Stephen McGlinchey • Jun 10 2017 • Articles

The lesson of the election for the Labour party is that if they want to govern again, they need to unite again. The starting point is respecting Jeremy Corbyn’s brand of politics.

Masculinities at the Margins: A feminist Curiosity of Gender, Militarism and War

Amanda Chisholm and Joanna Tidy • Jun 10 2017 • Articles

What happens to ‘military masculinities’ and stories of war, violence and gender, if we begin to account for ‘the margins’ of war, of militaries and of masculinities?

The ‘Imminent Collapse of Russia’

David R. Marples • Jun 9 2017 • Articles

Whatever the illusions of the population and the role of propaganda, the fact remains that presidents anywhere with ratings of 80-90% rarely are removed from power.

Ukraine and Russia: Rewriting Histories

David R. Marples • Jun 9 2017 • Articles

As Ukraine tries to eradicate vestiges of Communist influence, the programme has taken on a distinctly anti-Russian hue that will clearly have an impact on bilateral relations.

Border Thinking and Vulnerability as a Knowing Otherwise

Rosalba Icaza • Jun 9 2017 • Articles

Border subjectivities are central for a critical re-thinking of the dominant epistemologies of IR as embodied epistemic sites of enunciation in their own right.

Will Trump Be to Palestinian-Israeli Peace What Nixon Was to the U.S and China?

Patricia Sohn • Jun 8 2017 • Articles

Peace processes should be about local populations. In the Palestinian case it must be about local Palestinians on both sides of the Green Line and their quality of life.

Why Russian Hybrid Warfare Is a Threat To … Russia.

Dan G. Cox and Bruce Stanley • Jun 6 2017 • Articles

Hybrid warfare was a long-term strategic miscalculation and Putin and his successors will likely regret the expenditures that this strategy has produced.

The Reconstituting of Borders in America

John Mollenkopf • Jun 4 2017 • Articles

New immigrant communities will also show that they generate economic growth and innovation and that they constitute the future of America’s greatness, not a threat to it.

Border Thinking and the Experiential Epistemologies of International Relations

Marc Woons and Sebastian Weier • Jun 2 2017 • Articles

Borders cannot be understood separate from the bodies they affect and form. The geopolitics of knowledge cannot be separated from the experience of borders.

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