
The Village Knows Better, and Other Forms of Mob Rule

Patricia Sohn • Jun 2 2017 • Articles

U.S. paid family leave policies or lack thereof, and a desire to emulate the ‘New Rome’ are discussed as unprogressive and counterproductive.

What Will Americans, Britons, or Hungarians Do in the Name of Nationalism?

Jennifer Hochschild • May 31 2017 • Articles

The task of people who viscerally fear and dislike nationalism is to make a positive argument on behalf of the shared gains of migration, free trade, and cosmopolitanism.

South Korea’s New President: Into Rough Foreign Policy Waters

Max Nurnus • May 31 2017 • Articles

The government of Moon Jae-in faces a number of foreign policy challenges; he may ride a wave of popular support at home – but will have to deal with rougher waters.

Toward a New European Union Strategy for Belarus

Paul Hansbury • May 30 2017 • Articles

The EU’s strategy towards Belarus has become incoherent and a decision needs to be taken about whether to prioritise democratisation or support for state-building.

Donald Trump’s Echoes of Fascism over Crimea

David R. Marples • May 30 2017 • Articles

It is no wonder that fascism appears in analyses of Trump. Both share demagoguery, false creation of enemies as the source of problems, autarky, isolation, mass propaganda and a bombastic leader.

Ukraine in Conflict

David R. Marples • May 30 2017 • Articles

Ukraine is casting off its Soviet heritage and creating something new in a struggle for independence. This marks an end of sorts to the phenomenon known as Euromaidan.

Winning Hostilities Without War: United States-North Korea Machinations

Strobe Driver • May 30 2017 • Articles

Despite the threats of Kim Jong-Un to destabilize the region, the US and North Korea are both intent on winning the hostilities without going to war.

The Syria Mechanism: Bridge to Prosecutions or Evidentiary Limbo?

Beti Hohler and Elizabeth Pederson • May 26 2017 • Articles

While an important addition to the international justice landscape, if unsuccessful the Syria Mechanism may create a limbo in which evidence sits unused and ignored.

Barbarism and What is to be Done: Reforming Discourse in the Classroom

Daniel Clausen • May 26 2017 • Articles

The potential barbarism of discourse in future classrooms is discussed along with ways to promote civilisation amongst divergent students.

Rouhani’s Second Mandate: What to Expect?

Vittorio Felci • May 25 2017 • Articles

The battle for development will not end with the recent electoral round in Iran. It is going to be the main field of contention between the government and the opposition.

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