
Five Up / Five Down – Syrian Missile Strike, Part 1

Matthew Murray • Apr 15 2017 • Articles

This strike, no matter the problems with it, does show that the American military machine is awake again in a non-covert way.

US Missiles and Parallels of Interventionism in Syria’s ‘Thirty Years War’

Francis Grice • Apr 14 2017 • Articles

By reembracing the norm of interventionism, the world’s major powers are rediscovering the very reason why it was banished at Westphalia so many years ago.

Is Humanitarian Aid Politicized?

Izabela Pereira Watts • Apr 13 2017 • Articles

Humanitarian aid is a political act. Yet, beyond politics and policies, humanitarian aid struggles to reflect the principles and practices underpinning good governance.

The Social Challenge of Internal Displacement in Ukraine

Kateryna Ivashchenko-Stadnik • Apr 13 2017 • Articles

After the two years of conflict in Ukraine, the IDPs are still perceived as semi-fellows and semi-citizens, limited in their access to social life.

Field Research, Research Design, and Scientific Method (A Personal Account)

Patricia Sohn • Apr 13 2017 • Articles

“Science” is a many splendored and varied thing. It even includes qualitative research.

The EU-Libya Migrant Deal: A Deal of Convenience

Michael Asiedu • Apr 11 2017 • Articles

The recently concluded EU-Libya deal is convenient for the EU but a disservice to migrants and refugees in Libya.

Donald Trump’s Legitimacy Crisis following the Syria Bombing

Adrian Gallagher • Apr 11 2017 • Articles

The answer to the Syrian issue lies not in unilateralism, nor the UN Security Council, but in invoking the UN General Assembly’s Uniting for Peace Resolution.

Geopolitical Fault-Line Cities

Michael Gentile • Apr 9 2017 • Articles

Conflicting identities come together in Ukraine’s fault-line cities, diverting the population’s attention from issues concerning the more mundane aspects of urban life.

Critical International Theory: A Comparative Advantage Framework

Deepshikha Shahi • Apr 7 2017 • Articles

Critical International Theory is a more commendable theoretical framework than Huntington’s clash of civilizations thesis when examining post 9/11 Afghanistan.

Institutions Matter, Or, What I Learned Sleeping with Lions in Kenya

Patricia Sohn • Apr 6 2017 • Articles

Several lessons can be learned from fieldwork. Experience in Kenya speaks to the variety found in the everyday functioning of societies, institutions and cultures.

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