
Revisiting the Clash of Civilizations Thesis After 9/11

Deepshikha Shahi • Mar 23 2017 • Articles

Afghans believing in the Taliban/al-Qaida discourse will succumb to the intellectual insights of Huntington’s thesis which endorses the same worldview in a reverse guise.

Understanding Post-9/11 Afghanistan

Deepshikha Shahi • Mar 20 2017 • Articles

A humanistic re-interpretation of the Quran would be a crucial step towards vindicating Islam against its distortion and demonisation by hegemonic aspirants.

Brexit: The View from India

Ronak Desai • Mar 20 2017 • Articles

London’s ability to secure a trade deal with India has been complicated by an issue at the heart of the Brexit debate: immigration.

Inequality, Poverty and a ‘Human Economy’

Richard Dodgson • Mar 17 2017 • Articles

What might it mean to move to a human economy?

Symbolic Violence and Post-election USA: A Parable

Patricia Sohn • Mar 16 2017 • Articles

The extraordinary degree of diversity in the US population can be managed with narratives and terms of discourse that lead to discontent and upheaval, or to pluralism.

Why the 2017 Dutch Elections Will Not Kick-off a “Patriotic Spring”

Afke Groen and Patrick Bijsmans • Mar 15 2017 • Articles

The Dutch elections will not lead to the start of a “patriotic spring” of the European populist far right, but may instead signal a rebalancing of European politics.

Obama’s Bulwark against Torture: Will It Stop Trump?

Steven J. Barela • Mar 15 2017 • Articles

The Obama administration’s two-pronged approach of closing legal gaps and studying effective means of interrogation, in fact, helps illuminate the moral point at stake.

Indo-Saudi Relations under the Modi Government

Md. Muddassir Quamar • Mar 13 2017 • Articles

In recent years, India’s relations with Saudi Arabia have gained a new momentum due to shared financial and security interests in the region.

The Nationalist International: Is There a Brown Network in the Making?

Léonie de Jonge • Mar 12 2017 • Articles

Because of divergent nationalist agendas, the creation of a stable and unified alliance between right-wing populist parties seems highly unlikely.

Major General Charles Howard Foulkes and the Practice of Conflict Photography

Melissa Bennett • Mar 12 2017 • Articles

Foulkes’ photographs reveal what soldiers on the front line of conflicts felt about those fighting alongside them, their opponents, and their own vulnerabilities.

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