
Hitler’s Long Shadow: Donald Trump and Angela Merkel

Klaus Larres • Feb 8 2017 • Articles

In a volatile world, the US and Germany ought to cooperate with each other. Perhaps Donald Trump will realise that international cooperation, is advantageous to the US.

Brexit: The View from Denmark

Mette Eilstrup-Sangiovanni • Feb 7 2017 • Articles

Although Danes have a generally positive view of the EU, Brexit may boost anti-EU forces on the political right.

The Far Right in the US and the Religious Right in Iran

Alison Assiter • Feb 7 2017 • Articles

In the age of Trump and a rising tide of intolerance globally, a universalist outlook that critiques all forms of repression is an important theoretical perspective to adopt.

Making Sense of Trump’s Travel Ban

Harvey M. Sapolsky • Feb 5 2017 • Articles

Terrorism terrorizes. The public’s desire for protection will provoke a political response. The ban is a message to friends and family of terrorists.

Totalitarianism Is Back – Time to Awake!

Hartmut Behr • Feb 5 2017 • Articles

Arendt’s analysis of totalitarianism matches Trump’s politics. Being alert means not to retreat in the hopes and naivety that it won’t be as bad as it looks.

Donald Trump and the Emergent Dominant Narrative in US Foreign Policy

Jack Thompson • Feb 4 2017 • Articles

Trump is laying the groundwork for a fundamental shift in the way Americans think about foreign security policy. The question is, how long will America First persist?

A World Full of Free Riders?

Harvey M. Sapolsky • Feb 1 2017 • Articles

In some American eyes, most recently in the Trump administration, the rich nations of the world appear to find excuses to do little for global security or even their own defense.

Negotiating Trade Deals: Not an Issue of Capacity but Rather of Strategy

Johan Adriaensen • Feb 1 2017 • Articles

Rather than the lack of administrative capacity, the absence of a clear strategy is the biggest challenge to the UK’s post-Brexit trade policy.

From Standing Rock to Resistance in Context: Towards Anarchism against Settler Colonialism

Adam Lewis • Feb 1 2017 • Articles

Anarchists need to engage with Indigenous peoples and communities who are already resisting capitalism, colonialism and the state in their areas.

Europe’s Post-Brexit Retrenchment

Alexander Mattelaer • Jan 30 2017 • Articles

If the EU struggles to maintain broad domestic support in its own member states, it seems likely to face a prolonged period of strategic retrenchment.

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