
Abandon All Hope, Ye Who Enter. Welcome to 2017

Patrick Bijsmans and Russell Foster • Jan 15 2017 • Articles

In the midst of Brexit, 2017 is the year in which the fate of the European Union will be decided.

The Appeal of ‘America First’ in Donald Trump’s America

John A. Thompson • Jan 15 2017 • Articles

Both the diminution of America’s supremacy and the war-weariness of the American public raise questions about the solidity of the nation’s extensive security commitments.

Protecting People

Alex J. Bellamy • Jan 15 2017 • Articles

The world is more likely to respond to human protection crises today than it once was, but as Syria shows we are nowhere close to solving the problem of human insecurity.

Global Poverty and Wealth

James Arvanitakis and David J. Hornsby • Jan 15 2017 • Articles

One of the major conundrums of our world is that poverty still exists amidst extreme wealth. Economic processes have lifted many out of poverty but have failed to mitigate income and wealth inequality.

What Can We Learn About Resilience from ‘Breaking Bad’?

Kyle Grayson • Jan 13 2017 • Articles

‘Breaking Bad’ potentially disrupts how we conceptualize resilience by opening up thinking space to consider who has the right (or opportunity) to be resilient.

European Defence Post-Brexit and ‘EU-NATO Cooperation’: What Level of Ambition?

Jolyon Howorth • Jan 11 2017 • Articles

If it wishes to stabilise its neighbourhood, the EU has no alternative but to develop its capacity to the fullest extent and to become a ‘strategically autonomous’ actor

Pakistan and the Nuclear Suppliers Group

Rizwana Abbasi • Jan 11 2017 • Articles

International arrangements promoting and facilitating the peaceful uses of nuclear technology demand revision in light of increased demand for nuclear energy security.

International Relations Theory

Stephen McGlinchey and Dana Gold • Jan 9 2017 • Articles

The approaches in IR theory each possess a legitimate, yet different, view. They offer a means by which to attempt to understand a complex and frequently changing world.

European Defence after Brexit: Flying on One Engine?

Sven Biscop • Jan 9 2017 • Articles

Despite Brexit, if a threat to European interests warrants military action, in Europe’s periphery or beyond, the UK is more likely to be part of the action than not.

Religion and Culture

John A. Rees • Jan 8 2017 • Articles

There is little that concerns IR that does not involve elements of religion or culture, or both. Understanding them is necessary if you want to join some of the most important discussions about world politics today.

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