
Feeling For the Game: How Emotions Shape Listening in Peacebuilding Partnerships

Pernilla Johansson • May 17 2017 • Articles

Interpreting emotions are not considered relevant to being a competent peace building practitioner, but paying attention to it helps us to listen and identify obstacles.

Hong Kong’s Chief Executive Election and Political Future

Mathew Wong • May 16 2017 • Articles

With the lack of a truly democratic government, a leader sympathising with the people and representing their interest might be the best Hong Kong can currently hope for.

How to Convince Kim Jong Un to Denuclearize North Korea

Dan G. Cox and Bruce Stanley • May 16 2017 • Articles

The time for negotiation between the US, China and North Korea is now. Let us just hope a cloistered and paranoid Kim Jong Un is willing to come out of his shell.

The Art of Strategy

Dan G. Cox and Bruce Stanley • May 16 2017 • Articles

In a world full of transitions, it is important to add more voices to the chorus of those that observe world events and are concerned with the potential of future conflict.

Why Macron’s Victory Is a Triumph for Disillusionment and Populism

Russell Foster • May 16 2017 • Articles

Emmanuel Macron’s victory represents the reproduction of the same forces which birthed the recent wave of popular apathy and hostility to transnational elites.

Can Social Media Help Develop Politically Active Global Communities?

Britta Baumgarten • May 16 2017 • Articles

Social media provides new forms of, and tools for, activism but its potential to build a global community of politically active citizens should not be overestimated.

Portugal and the EEC Accession: Informal Practices and Arrangements

Pedro Ponte e Sousa • May 14 2017 • Articles

An assessment of the role of informal actors/procedures/rules in international relations, with a particular focus on the accession to the European institutions.

Brexit: The 1975 and 2016 Referenda Compared

Philip Towle • May 14 2017 • Articles

If the past is any guide opinion will continue to swing as the effects of BREXIT unfold but these effects are as obscure as those of the decision to remain were in 1975.

(In)Security: From Thick Signifier to Empty Signifier

Ana Isabel Rodríguez Iglesias • May 14 2017 • Articles

The in(security) of the minors is at stake in a semantic and practical power struggle among different actors such as the US, the UN, NGOs, countries of origin and the minors themselves.

Railing Relations from the UK to China

Kerry Brown • May 13 2017 • Articles

In perspective, a train carrying freight from the UK to the eastern side of China shows that such a link is possible, but whether it can be sustainable is another matter.

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