

Stephen McGlinchey • Jan 8 2017 • Articles

In today’s interconnected world, effective and skilful diplomacy is vital to ensure that humankind can navigate an ever-growing list of shared challenges that may be our undoing if left unresolved.

Germany’s Return to European Leadership

Sten Rynning • Jan 5 2017 • Articles

In the wake of the Brexit vote, Germany is increasingly willing to assume responsibility for the grand edifices of Western cooperation through the UN, the EU and NATO.

Exploding Inequality is Killing Democracy

Jon D. Wisman • Jan 4 2017 • Articles

“We can either have democracy in this country or we can have great wealth concentrated in the hands of a few, but we can’t have both” (Louis Brandeis, U.S. Supreme Court Justice, 1916-1939). “Democracy is first and foremost about equality: equality of power and equality of sharing in the benefits […]

What Future for Europe’s Security and Defense Policy?

Mette Eilstrup-Sangiovanni • Jan 3 2017 • Articles

Six scholars reflect on what lies ahead for European security and defense taking different countries’ strategic interests as their analytical starting point.

Donald Trump, the Middle East, and American Foreign Policy

Diego Pagliarulo • Jan 3 2017 • Articles

As they take office, the new US president, Donald Trump, and his national security staff should remember the key lessons learned in the Middle East by their predecessors.

Getting Started with International Relations

Stephen McGlinchey • Jan 3 2017 • Articles

An excerpt from the introduction to the book ‘International Relations’ covering key terms, sources, and reading advice for students embarking on their first textbook.

Trump and the Iran Nuclear Deal

Farhad Rezaei • Jan 2 2017 • Articles

If Trump scraps the Iran nuclear agreement his administration may push Iran into using ISIS in a tactical way against American interests in the Middle East.

Trump and Israel: Big-League Issues and Huge Repercussions

Jonathan Sciarcon • Jan 2 2017 • Articles

Trump’s presidency will likely embolden the Israeli right-wing which could have long term ramifications for Democratic support of Israel and potentially spell the end of all the talk on the two-state solution.

International Law

Knut Traisbach • Jan 1 2017 • Articles

Although questions about international law persist, especially when powerful nations use their political power to ‘bend’ the law, today hardly anyone declares international law as irrelevant.

International Organisations

Shazelina Z. Abidin • Dec 30 2016 • Articles

The growth of international organisations, particularly in the twentieth century when the concept of global governance came of age, means that nearly every aspect of life is regulated in some way at the global level.

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