
Brexit: Global Perspectives

Mette Eilstrup-Sangiovanni • Dec 3 2016 • Articles

This new blog focuses on the geopolitical implications of Britain’s decision to leave the EU, providing a forum for critical analysis and discussion of diverse global issues and outlooks on Brexit.

Quitaly, Outstria, ‘Eu Revoir’? The Coming Legacy of Brexit

Russell Foster • Dec 1 2016 • Articles

Brexit is merely an early skirmish in the battle for Europe. Further conflicts are coming.

Conflict in Kashmir: From the Ground Up

Emma Brännlund • Nov 30 2016 • Articles

As long as the world does not pay attention to the Kashmiri narrative, Kashmir will see many more periods of agitation, disruption and protest.

Populist Challenge and Political Judgement

Hartmut Behr • Nov 28 2016 • Articles

We live in an era of the devaluation of knowledge in which the difference between ‘truth’ and ‘lies’ does not count anymore; this makes electorates prone to populism.

Framing the Refugee

Phil Cole • Nov 25 2016 • Articles

Unless citizens are willing to problematize their own position, power and safety, they must accept that they are not willing to take the Refugee Question seriously.

Foreign Aid and Development Outcomes: Is the U.S. Lagging Behind?

Naomi Roht-Arriaza and Alexandra Avram • Nov 24 2016 • Articles

Improving safeguards and accountability will allow people to have a voice and a choice in their own development. That is something the US should be proud to champion.

Methods War: How Ideas Matter within Political Science

Patricia Sohn • Nov 24 2016 • Articles

Calls for qualitative scholars to share their fieldwork notes is not only illegal, but also threatens the integrity and quality of the qualitative research process.

In the Dawn of a New Barbaric Era

Burak Cop • Nov 23 2016 • Articles

People are no longer interested in facts. Post-truth politics is advancing, as seen in Trump’s presidential race in the USA and the Brexit shock.

War with China: Ascending Powers, Expansionism and the Use-of-Force

Strobe Driver • Nov 22 2016 • Articles

The current state-of-affairs suggests that as China is exhibiting a pre-WWI German paradigm a war will happen as it exponentially increases its expansionism.

Deliberation and Strategic Action: How they Mutually Enhance Norm Diffusion

George Vasilev • Nov 21 2016 • Articles

Norm diffusion involves the cost–benefit calculations of strategic behaviour enhancing the communicative reasoning of deliberative behaviour, and vice versa.

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