
Trump Vs Clinton: A Post-Mortem

Stephen McGlinchey • Nov 19 2016 • Articles

If party politics fails again to represent the electorate as in 2016, the only people who will be able to rise above the acrimony will be populists like Donald Trump.

Discourse, Power, and Subjectivity in Global Politics

Ty Solomon • Nov 18 2016 • Articles

IR often ignores the political forces that shape which discourse prevails. Discourse and emotional investments in “we-ness” shape foreign policy from BREXIT to the GWOT.

‘Brexit’: Word of the Year

Patrick Bijsmans • Nov 16 2016 • Articles

While many Europeans may have been shocked by Donald Trump’s victory, Eurosceptics across Europe seem to perceive it as a boost for their own politics.

Brexit: A European Perspective

Patrick Bijsmans and Russell Foster • Nov 16 2016 • Articles

Brexit has reignited old debates about the European project and poses new challenges for the UK, the EU, and non-EU European nations.

China: New Steps Forward in Africa

Kerry Brown and Shan Huang • Nov 15 2016 • Articles

By understanding China’s approach as pragmatic, not altruistic, those working with China can come out with economic gains.

Will the Battle for Mosul Change the Power of the Kurds in Iraq?

Marianna Charountaki • Nov 14 2016 • Articles

Although Mosul has been a critical point of strategic significance, the Kurdish status in Iraq has been consolidated and Kurdish power extends beyond the fight for Mosul.

Grade Less and Assess More: The Value of Ongoing Feedback

Jan Lüdert • Nov 13 2016 • Articles

Ongoing and formative assessment is especially valuable for students to observe their own progress and to identify areas for improvement.

A New Page for Taiwan and China

Joseph Tsai • Nov 11 2016 • Articles

Taiwan needs more voice in the international sphere and China needs to respect democratic values and stop using coercive means to force Taiwan to unify with China.

Pacifism, Just War and Civil Liberties in a Multicultural Age

Patricia Sohn • Nov 11 2016 • Articles

I will not fight for my rights, my freedoms or for my place in the political process. All of these are granted either by birth as a human being, or by citizenship.

China’s Deeper Penetration into Africa

Zhiqun Zhu • Nov 10 2016 • Articles

As China inches closer to becoming a global power, the rest of the world, especially critical voices within the US, may need to ask themselves: are we ready?

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