
Explaining the Donald Trump Victory

Patricia Sohn • Nov 9 2016 • Articles

Mark Twain came to mind many times throughout the recent election. I could imagine him rocking in his chair, smoking his cigar, shaking his head, and chuckling.

UN Security Council: Future Prospects for a Compromised Hegemon

Ian Hurd • Nov 8 2016 • Articles

Animated by the interests of the strongest member states, the Security Council of the United Nations has become a global hegemon fractured by internal disagreement.

Escape From A Liberal-Colonial IR: Hints of a 21st Century Peace

Oliver Richmond • Nov 4 2016 • Articles

Orthodox IR colludes with liberal-colonial peace. We need to rethink peace. What is missing is not sterile critical thinking but a focus on people’s mobility and agency.

The “Northern Territories” Dispute and the Future of Japan-Russia Relations

Alexander Bukh • Nov 4 2016 • Articles

Even with a resolution of the territorial dispute between Russia and Japan the relations between the two will change little, at least in the short to medium term.

Political Contestation and the Problem of Bordered Thinking

Jonathon Whooley • Nov 3 2016 • Articles

Regionalization, internationalization and context have blinded us to the impact of larger social movements in contemporary politics.

4 Things Feminists Tell Us about Private Security: A Gender Audit on Security

Amanda Chisholm • Nov 1 2016 • Articles

In various ways feminists continue to draw our attention to how gender underpins the political and economics of security.

Hidden Victims of International Terrorism: Muslim Women in the USA

Serap Gur • Oct 31 2016 • Articles

Muslim women face a dilemma: in some places they are attacked for not wearing a headscarf, in others for wearing one. After every new terrorist attack, they are targeted.

The ‘History Problem’ in Sino-Japanese Relations: What’s the Problem?

Karl Gustafsson • Oct 31 2016 • Articles

The understanding of the history problem changes over time in Japan and in China even though there appears to be some stability concerning the important issues.

The Legacy of the Obama Administration

Glen Segell • Oct 30 2016 • Articles

During Obama’s tenure America’s global leadership has declined to its lowest ebb leaving some allies to wonder how much they can rely on the US.

Amazon, American, or Israeli? The Pitfalls of ‘UN-iversalising’ Wonder Woman

Robert A. Saunders • Oct 30 2016 • Articles

There is no shortage of reasons why the choice of Wonder Woman as Honorary Ambassador for the Empowerment of Women and Girls is a dangerous one for the UN.

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