
Disrupting the ‘Conditional Selfhood’ of Threat Construction

Kathryn Marie Fisher • Aug 15 2016 • Articles

It is essential to interrogate how representations of the homegrown threat in security practice may instead be influencing insecurity.

A Cynical Report Card on the Turkish Game of Thrones

Oğuzhan Göksel • Aug 13 2016 • Articles

Since 2013, Turkey has been struggling with intense political instability. Yet after the recent coup was defeated, President Erdoğan has consolidated his hegemony.

Time, Power and Inequalities

Valerie Bryson • Aug 12 2016 • Articles

Time is neither ‘natural’ nor just. It is used, valued and understood in ways that reflect and sustain economic, social and political inequalities.

The Connecting Issue of Asylum Seekers and Irregular Migrants in Southeast Asia

Atin Prabandari and Dedi Dinarto • Aug 11 2016 • Articles

Abandoned by neighbors, 30,000 Rohingya and Bangladeshi asylum seekers were left stranded in the Andaman Sea and Malacca Strait in 2015: their protection is essential

Taking Time Seriously and the Value of Generational Analysis in IR

Tim Luecke • Aug 9 2016 • Articles

If we want to take time seriously in IR we will need to think through the epistemological implications and complications entailed in making such an analytical shift.

Brexit’s Potentital Implications for Poland’s Position in the EU

Karol Chwedczuk-Szulc • Aug 9 2016 • Articles

For years, integration with Western institutions constituted Poland’s main foreign policy concern. Since Poland joined the EU foreign policy has followed an ad hoc path.

If We Fail in Health We Fail Overall

Mukesh Kapila • Aug 9 2016 • Articles

The World Humanitarian Summit recognised the special role of emergency health work: if we fail in health, we fail in the overall humanitarian endeavor.

Teaching as a Southern in the North

Maysam Behravesh • Aug 9 2016 • Articles

Various phenomenon that may drive negative feedback against instructors should be considered by academic institutions before they make career-defining decisions about teaching staff.

The Unresolved Internal Struggle beyond the Turkish Coup

Marianna Charountak • Aug 9 2016 • Articles

Turkey’s redefinition of itself on the basis of a clear strategy and vision both internally and externally will determine the future nature of the Turkish political structure.

Soft Power in the Middle East: The Invisible Skirmish

Fadi Elhusseini • Aug 8 2016 • Articles

Two soft power models in the Middle East are assessed. Iran’s can be another source of regional instability. Oman’s seeks stability and peaceful resolution of conflicts.

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