
Governing the Time of the World

Tim Stevens • Aug 7 2016 • Articles

Global time, principally Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), is the product of global governors operating in and through sociotechnical assemblages.

Lost for Words: Responding to the Kunduz Bombings

Faye Donnelly • Aug 5 2016 • Articles

The Kunduz bombings may mirror the transformative effect ‘a new normal’ in which the bombing of hospitals during conflict are no longer tantamount to a war crime.

Bureaucracy, Organisational Learning and Resilience: ISI 2008-12

John Still • Aug 4 2016 • Articles

IS’s predecessor, the Islamic State of Iraq (ISI), has previously proved resilient and capable of learning from and adapting to setbacks.

War through a Temporal Lens

Christopher McIntosh • Aug 4 2016 • Articles

The unforeseeable future implicates the present but also the manner in which decisions in the present operate at the intersection of meaning in past and future.

The Limits of Invoking Conspiracies: Comparing Turkey and Uzbekistan

Bernardo Teles Fazendeiro • Aug 1 2016 • Articles

The Turkish government faces the prospect of having the country cast as a place of danger, a depiction with serious international, political and economic ramifications.

IR ‘News of the Week’: A Student’s Perspective

David Squires • Aug 1 2016 • Articles

Discussing news issues with your peers is an unburdening exercise that helps develop research and presentation skills and builds confidence in applying theories.

Timing, Identity, and Emotion in International Relations

Andrew Hom and Ty Solomon • Aug 1 2016 • Articles

Timing, almost wholly ignored in IR, is a fundamental human activity – a basic means of synthesising pertinent changes for practical and political effect.

(Im)possible Universalism: Remarks on the Politics and Ethics of Grammar

Véronique Pin-Fat • Jul 29 2016 • Articles

In the image, what can you see? Understanding the ethical claims to universality in IR is, for heuristic purposes only, similar to looking at the image.

Nuclear Abolition or Deterrence: A Nuclear Ethics Debate

Thomas E. Doyle II • Jul 29 2016 • Articles

For nuclear disarmament to succeed, it must be animated by diverse actors who have arrived at a moral consensus over the values at stake.

Islam and the Politics of Temporality: The Case of ISIS

Shahzad Bashir • Jul 28 2016 • Articles

ISIS is not unique when it comes to the significance of temporality as issues pertaining to the past have been a constant factor in Islamic thought.

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