
Islamophobia(s) In the Aftermath of the Nice Attack

Aurelien Mondon and Aaron Winter • Jul 28 2016 • Articles

To understand the changing nature of Islamophobia, it is necessary to understand it in the plural and to differentiate between its illiberal and liberal forms.

Preaching the Craft of Reading

Daniel Clausen • Jul 27 2016 • Articles

Students should be encouraged to read outside their comfort zone to work out their reading muscles, or even to just turn off their TV, radios, and electronic devices.

Calendar Time, Cultural Sensibilities, and Strategies of Persuasion

Kevin Birth • Jul 27 2016 • Articles

The relationship of time, politics and globalisation involves the interaction of the global imposition of a Western timescale and local ideas of timekeeping.

Hindutva and Citizenship in India: Helping Refugees or Building Vote Banks?

Siegfried O. Wolf • Jul 25 2016 • Articles

The amendment of the citizenship act in India is expected to have fierce resistance, accusing the BJP of trying to push a Hindu-Nationalist agenda and build vote banks.

Time Creators and Time Creatures in the Ethics of World Politics

Kimberly Hutchings • Jul 24 2016 • Articles

A heterotemporal orientation decentres the position of the ethical theorist by questioning the assumption of a fusion between his or her particular present and ‘the’ present of world politics.

India, the NSG, and the Chinese Impasse

Reshmi Kazi • Jul 20 2016 • Articles

China’s opposition to India’s admission to the NSG appears a systemic attempt at discrimination against India – a visibly responsible nuclear power.

On Capitalism and Racism

Haider Khan • Jul 19 2016 • Articles

Building a global movement for a nonracist, nonsexist egalitarian and ecologically sustainable society is the only way forward for a better world beyond capitalism.

Implementing a Flipped Classroom: Student Generated Wikis and Videos

Jan Lüdert • Jul 18 2016 • Articles

Today’s students are learning in different ways and instructors have not been paying enough attention to these changes, especially in the area of technology.

Donald Trump as Trickster Clown

Joan Davison • Jul 15 2016 • Articles

Donald Trump fits the paradigm of a “trickster clown”, taking advantage of people who feel confused or alienated during times of transitions.

Obama and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

Jeremy Pressman • Jul 14 2016 • Articles

As we near the end of the Obama administration, the president is likely to leave office without solving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, just like previous U.S. presidents.

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