
Teaching International Organizations as Bureaucracies

Simon Fink • Jul 14 2016 • Articles

It can only be a good thing if students learn about the power inherent in definitions, and can reflect on the normative problems arising from these definitions.

Reflecting on India’s Nuclear Suppliers Group Bid

Zhiqun Zhu • Jul 14 2016 • Articles

For NSG talks to succeed, China must recognise India’s desire to play a bigger global role and India should resist aligning itself with a US-Japan led Pacific alliance.

A New Direction? Trump, the Republicans, and the US-Israeli Future

Jonathan Sciarcon • Jul 13 2016 • Articles

Republican support for Israel is turning away from an activist foreign policy, at least for the foreseeable future.

An Introduction to Time, Temporality and Global Politics

Alasdair McKay • Jul 13 2016 • Articles

Out of all the books and journals that have been published under the rubric of International Relations, very few have paused to ponder the role of time or temporality.

Back to Basics: Humanitarian Action and Accountability to Affected Populations

Ana Mosneaga • Jul 11 2016 • Articles

Getting to know the crisis-affected communities better may help to remember that they are the very raison d’être for the humanitarian action.

The ‘Pink Tide’ and Brazil’s Workers’ Party

Victor Strazzeri • Jul 8 2016 • Articles

Moderation and not quick change of the Workers’ Party has been a key factor in the turning of the tide for progressive change in Brazilian shores.

The European Response to the Syrian War: Pathologies Uncovered

Christiane Fröhlich • Jul 8 2016 • Articles

The EU must effectively address its migration pathologies and dysfunctionalities to fulfil its humanitarian promise to be a space of freedom, prosperity and rule of law

The Brexit and the Awkward Triangle: Britain, Turkey and the EU

Azriel Bermant and Gallia Lindenstrauss • Jul 8 2016 • Articles

Brexit might enable both Ankara and the EU to find a dignified face-saving solution over negotiations which have made little progress.

A New Taliban Leadership and Peace Prospects in Afghanistan

Marvin G. Weinbaum and Meher Babbar • Jul 7 2016 • Articles

At present, there is little incentive for the Taliban to enter into peace talks. The military situation remains dynamic, and no stalemate is in sight.

Gamification: It’s in the Game

Lukas K. Danner • Jul 4 2016 • Articles

Gamification is more than just adding a game to your general routine of teaching a class, it brings material alive and positively engages students.

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