
A Renewed Anglo-american Alliance? Putin’s Potential ‘Bregret’

Robert A. Saunders • Jul 2 2016 • Articles

Following Brexit, as Britain moves away from Europe (in spirit if not body), it will only become more ensconced in its Anglophone cocoon of geopolitical partners.

Using Civil War to Build an Authoritarian Regime: Turkey’s Policy towards Syria

Burak Bilgehan Özpek • Jun 30 2016 • Articles

The AKP government’s policy towards Syria has produced repercussions affecting Turkey’s global relations and given rise to authoritarian tendencies in domestic realm.

Brexit and China

Kerry Brown • Jun 30 2016 • Articles

If Brexit was a sharp sign of a global popular revolt against political elites, nothing about it will be reassuring to the Chinese government and Party.

Brexit! The Result and Its Implications

David Cutts • Jun 29 2016 • Articles

The UK’s exit represents a fundamental challenge for those advocates of an ‘ever closer union’ and EU leaders are conscious of the need to avoid further fragmentation.

The Role of Independent Volunteers in Humanitarian Crises

Izabela Pereira Watts • Jun 29 2016 • Articles

Independent volunteers play a key role in humanitarian crises yet there is no such thing as “true independence” when the reality is feelings of frustration and futility.

Pakistan’s Nuclear Deterrence and Strategic Stability

Rizwana Abbasi • Jun 28 2016 • Articles

India and Pakistan should exercise restraint, resume dialogue, institutionalize arms reduction mechanisms and focus on diplomacy.

If You Are Worried about Your Safety, Focus Less on Refugees and More on Guns

Dana Janbek and Melissa Wall • Jun 28 2016 • Articles

The recent Orlando attacks are not about immigration, they are about guns and about a homophobic culture that makes room for violence against the LGBT community.

The Brexit Fantasy

Moran M. Mandelbaum • Jun 28 2016 • Articles

In a Lacanian sense, the Brexit discourse invoked a fantasy return to a lost ‘golden era’ of British power while blaming immigration and the EU for standing in the way.

The Brexit Hangover

Stephen McGlinchey • Jun 26 2016 • Articles

If the EU is to endure, experts need to understand how to recapture the population and divert them away from an empowered, and sometimes dangerous, field of populists.

The Audience in Popular Culture and World Politics

Louise Pears • Jun 25 2016 • Articles

Paying attention to the way that meaning is negotiated can contribute to our understanding of the relationship between popular culture and world politics.

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