
“Green against Blue” – Reflections on the 2016 Austrian Presidential Election

Ruth Wodak • Jun 14 2016 • Articles

The Austrian election illustrates another troubling trend: a widening class and gender divide, and more specifically a struggle about the right values.

Civil Society and NGOs as Drivers of Change in Environmental Governance

Emilie Dupuits • Jun 13 2016 • Articles

Civil society’s involvement in global environmental governance and the effects of internationalisation processes on civil society forms of autonomy and expertise have had considerable impact.

Refusing to Acknowledge the Problem of Climate Change Denial

Kirsti M. Jylhä • Jun 13 2016 • Articles

It would be beneficial to plan mitigation policies and communication strategies by taking negative consequences and societal impact into account.

The Declining Value of Vocational Programs in China

Donald Guadagni • Jun 13 2016 • Articles

These alternatives to traditional education have failed to modernize themselves and adapt to rapidly changing economic and employment sector needs.

Argentina’s Perseverance and Stability in the South Atlantic

Christian Scheinpflug • Jun 12 2016 • Articles

A dominant Argentina may unhinge the Antarctic Treaty. Britain must put forward a diplomatic offensive in the region and at the UN.

Assessing Student Intercultural Learning in Study Abroad

Andrea Paras and Lynne Mitchell • Jun 8 2016 • Articles

Intercultural learning takes place along multiple dimensions, and instructors should be prepared to deal with students moving both forward and backward.

Cholera: Why Is an Ancient Scourge Still with Us?

Caroline Kisia • Jun 8 2016 • Articles

It was devastating and catastrophic. More than 30,000 Rwandan refugees died in less than a month in camps in Zaire (now Democratic Republic of Congo), after they fled from genocide in their own country. “There were piles of bodies alongside the road in Goma. People suddenly collapsed in front of […]

Parading Resilience: Sexual Minority Rights in Northern Ireland

Marian Duggan • Jun 8 2016 • Articles

As well as being open to heterosexual attendees, Pride is among one of the few visibly and proudly non-sectarian events to take place in Northern Ireland.

Making ‘remain’ the Cool Vote – Wolfgang Tillman & His Posters

Joel Vessels • Jun 6 2016 • Articles

What’s at stake in Wolfgang Tillman’s Brexit posters is the imagined community of Europe itself.

Reflecting on Intercultural Learning in Study Abroad

Andrea Paras and Lynne Mitchell • Jun 6 2016 • Articles

Investing adequate resources to the promotion of improved intercultural competence in study abroad students is not a luxury, but a necessity.

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