
The Crimean Tatar’s World Congress and Eurovision

Marta Dyczok • May 18 2016 • Articles

Every year Crimean Tatars commemorate their deportation by Stalin in 1944. More than 70 years later, the singer Jamala wrote a song about the deportations and won the Eurovision song contest.

Russia, Iran and Israel: A Troubled Triangle

Mark N. Katz • May 18 2016 • Articles

Moscow’s efforts to retain good relations with both Israel and Iran will continue to cause each to be wary of becoming too reliant on a Russia that it deems unreliable.

Overlooked and Misunderstood: The Neglected Victims of Humanitarian Crises

Toby Porter • May 17 2016 • Articles

Older women and men’s health issues are rendered invisible by a humanitarian system that relegates them to the back of the queue.

Climate Change, Geopolitics, and Arctic Futures

Duncan Depledge • May 16 2016 • Articles

The response to climatic changes in the Arctic will be a problem of global politics as economic development in the area is shaped by environmental factors among others.

The Fossil Fuel Divestment Movement within Universities

Leehi Yona and Alex Lenferna • May 15 2016 • Articles

In the a broader context, the FFDM has been a powerful force multiplier, which has helped propel climate justice issues into the foreground of public consciousness.

Dealing Reform: Iranian Domestic Politics after the Nuclear Deal

Sidra Hamidi • May 15 2016 • Articles

The success of the US-Iran nuclear talks shows the limits of the Obama doctrine in accomplishing the kind of social change that many reformists would like to see.

How to Motivate Students to Discuss Research Design

Simon Fink • May 12 2016 • Articles

It pays off to come down from the “sage on stage” position and show that your work is not perfect by having students tear apart your own old projects.

When Partnership Creates the Magic to save Lives

Ray Nishimoto • May 12 2016 • Articles

Many of the health challenges that confront humanity transcend national borders, and require all countries to work together for the global public good.

Environmental Conflict: A Misnomer?

Ed Atkins • May 12 2016 • Articles

It is no longer possible to see environmental issues as neutral, detached from the social world – they must be understood as political problems with social drivers.

Pakistan and Terrorism: China-Pakistan Economic Corridor as Critical Juncture?

Siegfried O. Wolf • May 11 2016 • Articles

There are too many indications that Pakistan’s military and civilian leaderships are still not willing to break totally with the patterns of its involvement in state terrorism.

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