
A No-First-Use Policy Would Make the United States Less Secure

Michaela Dodge and Adam Lowther • Oct 4 2016 • Articles

The benefits of a no-first-use policy are unlikely to materialize. Rather, the US is much more likely to see a number of negative consequences.

Knowing War: Moving Images and the Politics of Erasure in the Post 9/11 World

Christina Hellmich and Lisa Purse • Sep 30 2016 • Articles

Recent films, productions and research have played a role in creating the post 9/11 world and its imaging in the media.

No First Use of Nuclear Weapons: An Option for U.S. Nuclear Weapons Policy?

Amy F. Woolf • Sep 28 2016 • Articles

As long as military and political leaders are aware of the effects of nuclear weapons, the barrier to crossing the nuclear threshold would remain prohibitively high.

A Goal at a Time: Sports and Kosovo’s Statehood

Rakshit Chopra • Sep 27 2016 • Articles

Battling the everyday struggles of a lagging economy, it is the next goal or gold medal that Kosovo greatly relies on for the dissemination of its political voice.

Turkey’s Operation in Syria and the Future of the Syrian Civil War

Burak Cop • Sep 26 2016 • Articles

Erdoğan and his allies need to come to terms with the reality that the only way to foster Syrian national unity is to have cordial relations with Syrian Arab Republic.

The State of Secession in International Politics

Ryan Griffiths • Sep 23 2016 • Articles

The proliferation of sovereign states has been a defining feature of the post World War II era. We are living in an age of secession.

Corbyn vs. Smith: Faith and the Future of the British Labour Party

Peter Walker • Sep 21 2016 • Articles

Labour in opposition must conduct itself in a way that increases its political platform for the next general election. Is there a bigger platform than faith and religion?

Drawing on Universal Design Principles in Interdisciplinary Teaching

Jan Lüdert • Sep 21 2016 • Articles

Interdisciplinary co-teaching is beneficial because students require knowledge beyond politics if they want to be effective in future study and / or careers.

The Failed Coup in Turkey: Prolonged Conflict in the State Apparatus

Gonenc Uysal • Sep 21 2016 • Articles

Contrary to the hegemonic paradigm that has portrayed the military as an elitist institution, this paper considers civil-military relations as a field of class struggle.

When is Secession Justified? The Kashmir Case

Neera Chandhoke • Sep 21 2016 • Articles

The right of secession should be taken seriously, used sparingly, and justified rigorously. For that the right can best be likened to the right of euthanasia.

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