
Investing in the Future: Norway, Climate Change and Fossil Fuel Divestment

Matthew Rimmer • May 8 2016 • Articles

The fossil fuel divestment movement has undergone explosive growth and has attained global ambitions – challenging sovereign funds to engage in fossil fuel divestment.

Cultivating Your Silence in the Classroom

Daniel Clausen • May 8 2016 • Articles

Scholars often talk too much in the classroom. They should re-evaluate how they can reduce teacher talk time by encouraging students to take more of a lead.

Why Clinton Will Support the Trans-Pacific Partnership and Trump Will Not

Erik Lindell • May 8 2016 • Articles

If the TPP is not finalized before President Obama leaves the White House, its life or death will likely be contingent upon who wins the U.S. election in November.

Global Health: Our Moral Compass in a World of Crisis

Jakaya Kikwete and Mukesh Kapila • May 7 2016 • Articles

Ebola and Zika show that global health risks are at an all-time high. Lurking behind them are other disease threats that will not respect national boundaries.

Perspectives of Global Environmental Change in the Anthropocene

Úrsula Oswald Spring • May 6 2016 • Articles

The HUGE security approach could assist in analysing the best way to reach sustainable development goals, out of which common responsibilities may offer ways forward.

An Historical Context of Brexit

James Flint • May 6 2016 • Articles

UK’s historiography of political relations with Europe can add much to our understanding of the current contentious debate on the UK’s place in (or out) of the EU.

Doha Talks: Economic Failure or Geopolitical Success?

Ashay Abbhi • May 5 2016 • Articles

Riyadh has pulled off a clever maneuver by not signing a deal that it negotiated and agreed to as it has politically stalled its adversaries and has been a setback to its allies.

Trump as the Beginning of Republican Party 2.0

Stephen McGlinchey • May 4 2016 • Articles

With Ted Cruz’s exit and Trump becoming the presumptive nominee, the Republican Party establishment have decided to lose the 2016 election.

One Mature Student Success Story among Many

Marcela Ganea • May 4 2016 • Articles

Adults can feel frustrated when going back into education and tend to overlook their own experiences, when these can be their best asset in their studies.

Climate Change, Adaptation and International Relations Theory

Mizan R. Khan • Apr 29 2016 • Articles

In IR a state can typically take three approaches: cooperation, unilateralism or inactivity. Within the realm of climate diplomacy, we witness states playing all these roles.

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