
Religion in the Archives of IR

John A. Rees • Apr 29 2016 • Articles

Even a cursory glance at IR and related disciplines prior to 9/11 will reveal a body of work interested in religion as a political theme of primary importance.

War Echo in Ukrainian Mountains

Marta Dyczok • Apr 28 2016 • Articles

The Right Sector emerged during Ukraine’s winter Euromaidan protests and is controversial because of their right wing ideology and advocating the use of force.

Recent Developments toward a Chinese School of IR Theory

Yaqing Qin • Apr 26 2016 • Articles

Chinese IR scholars continue to move ahead toward a Chinese school of IR theory.

Trumped Up Alliances?

Alexander Lanoszka • Apr 26 2016 • Articles

If elected, a President Trump will quickly realize that the foreign policy establishment he loves to criticize has not done a bad job on striking deals.

Education and Extremism: “Fundamental British Values” in the Classroom

Kieran Ford • Apr 25 2016 • Articles

That a government-endorsed set of values is undemocratic may come as no surprise. The fact that it has gone unchallenged should come as a grave concern.

Sanders vs Clinton on Economic Inequality

Benjamin M. Studebaker • Apr 23 2016 • Articles

If a Clinton presidency fails to deal with inequality and stagnation, the long-term consequence will be the strengthening of the most dangerous elements in US politics.

The Trans-Pacific Partnership and the 2016 US Presidential Election

Tom Chodor • Apr 23 2016 • Articles

The popularity of Trump and Sanders indicate that the days when neoliberal globalisation heralded a prosperous and equitable world are long behind us.

UNSC Resolution 2272: Progress against Sexual Abuse in UN Peacekeeping?

Kelly Neudorfer • Apr 21 2016 • Articles

UNSC Resolution 2272 can rightly be called groundbreaking but the UN may find itself in a bind if it excludes numerous countries from contributing troops and police.

Jimmy Carter’s Role in Securing Middle East Peace

Shahin Berenji • Apr 21 2016 • Articles

While Carter has been often perceived as politically inept, this image belies the leadership he exhibited when he led negotiations to resolve the Arab-Israeli conflict.

Ukraine’s Media during Revolution, Annexation, War and Economic Crisis

Marta Dyczok • Apr 20 2016 • Articles

After the Euromaidan protests, Ukraine found itself on the receiving end of a hybrid war coming from Russia as information was weaponized by the Kremlin.

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