
Recovering from Frontline Wounds in Kyiv and an Unexpected Encounter

Marta Dyczok • Apr 20 2016 • Articles

Arseniy Yatseniuk resigned as Ukraine’s Prime Minister when MPs refused to release additional funds for the war effort, and the ruling coalition dissolved.

A Berlin-Ankara Axis against Satire?

Robert A. Saunders • Apr 20 2016 • Articles

In the context of a highly charged political environment, we are seeing that European values associated with free speech might just be more malleable than once thought.

Code Red: Colouring the International

Security studies needs to go beyond its chromophobia (its avoidance of colour) and see how colour-use operates in the enactment and (re-)appropriation of security.

An Orwellian Black Hole? Countering the Narrative That the UN Has Failed

Anthony Yazaki • Apr 16 2016 • Articles

The UN requires reform. Some of its methods are odious. But it is up to its members up to decide if they are willing to give the UN the tools it needs to be effective.

Four Things I Don’t like about the Advance Discussion of Eye in the Sky

Martin Coward • Apr 15 2016 • Articles

Does the movie ‘Eye in the Sky’ really provide insight into targeted killing? Here are four reasons why we ought to be suspicious.

Politics of the Turkish Conflict: The Kurdish Issue

Omer Tekdemir • Apr 15 2016 • Articles

There is still a weak civil movement and a growing number of people who wish to re-open the resolution process in search of peace and socio-political reconciliation.

The Panama Papers and the UK Overseas Territories

Peter Clegg • Apr 14 2016 • Articles

The revelations of tax avoidance and evasion have struck a chord with many concerned about the impact of austerity and growing inequality. However, little is likely to change.

Counterterrorism in the NHS: The ‘Prevent’ Strategy Takes to the Clinic

Charlotte Heath-Kelly • Apr 13 2016 • Articles

A policy which ignores academic research, criminalises belief, and builds an extensive surveillance and monitoring system is itself an extremist and violent endeavour.

Discussing Ukraine’s Euromaidan with Serhii Plokhii

Marta Dyczok • Apr 13 2016 • Articles

Going beyond the headlines is the role of historians and intellectuals in today’s society. It will be pivotal to the way to resolving the current crisis in Ukraine.

Broadcasting through Information Wars with Public Radio Ukraine

Marta Dyczok • Apr 13 2016 • Articles

They didn’t say they were fighting an information war. The term was not yet in vogue. But when a handful of journalists created Hromadske Radio that’s what they were doing.

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