
The Trans-Pacific Partnership: For, Against and Prospects

Richard Higgott and Richard Stubbs • Apr 13 2016 • Articles

TPP is signed but it is not a done deal. The divergences between the for and against cases are as much questions of politics and ideology as they are fact.

Climate Change and International Relations

Gustavo Sosa-Nunez and Ed Atkins • Apr 11 2016 • Articles

Climate change is a global commons problem. Its causes and impacts are distributed and felt across the international system, transcending traditional boundaries and jurisdictions of nation-states.

Reflections on Ukraine’s Conflicting Story in the Media

Marta Dyczok • Apr 9 2016 • Articles

In a situation where information is being used as a weapon, the media in Ukraine and Russia has not presented a clear picture of events, their causes, or their consequences.

Afghanistan: Social and Economic Development as Military and Strategic Interests

Emrah Ozdemir • Apr 9 2016 • Articles

Afghans need political and economic support. International interventions should not insist on their strategic interests at the expense of socioeconomic development.

Past Reaching into Present in Ukraine’s Undeclared War

Marta Dyczok • Apr 4 2016 • Articles

If people take a clear look at the past and confront the truths and the lies, it may help convince those being spurred to kill that they’d be better off building a future.

The Ukraine-Russia Border: Passage Is Forbidden, But Who Will Stop You?

Marta Dyczok • Apr 4 2016 • Articles

It is shocking how casual the border between two countries in a state of undeclared war can be.

The Historian as Public Analyst: The Case of Ukraine

David R. Marples • Apr 3 2016 • Articles

The events of the Euromaidan galvanized Ukrainians and led scholars to debate whether it is a civil war or a war with Russia or the start of a new Cold War.

Fear, Anger and Attitudes Toward Immigration

Rose McDermott • Mar 30 2016 • Articles

Fear and anger that undergird the reactions to outgroups contribute greatly to coalescing diverse interests into supporting strong border controls which exclude migrants.

A Critical Appraisal of the ‘Comfort Women’ Agreement between Japan and South Korea

Kazuya Fukuoka • Mar 30 2016 • Articles

A true reconciliation over the ‘comfort women’ issue requires a future vision, or a grand scheme, within which the current agreement is contextualized.

Fixing the ‘Prevent’ Strategy in UK Education

Daniel Giraldo • Mar 30 2016 • Articles

A better counter-terrorism strategy would encourage cohesiveness and a better understanding of different ethnic groups – some of the core principles in any democratic society.

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