
Imagining the End of the World in Fiction and Capitalism

Sadek Kessous • Mar 29 2016 • Articles

Capitalism has long been read as the only game in town but fiction has consistently tested that rule with the idea of dystopia.

Notes from 1951 on the Refugee Crisis

Natasha Saunders • Mar 28 2016 • Articles

Hannah Arendt’s reflections on the refugee problem in 1930’s Europe, written in 1951, have an eerie resonance with the refugee problem today

Is a Chinese Maritime Judicial Centre Credible?

Kerry Brown • Mar 25 2016 • Articles

The maritime judicial centre represents China’s intentions to no longer accept international rule making and judging, but to put its own version of things forward.

Smart Threats and Success in WTO Dispute Settlement: The Bush Steel Tariffs

Michael Jacobs • Mar 24 2016 • Articles

Settling trade disputes within the WTO is an interesting process that contains aspects of legalism, power politics, and domestic politics.

Challenging ISIS on its Own Turf

Saleem Ahmed • Mar 22 2016 • Articles

While organizations bemoan the Islamophobia being generated due to extremist misdeeds, it is important that Muslims avoid supporting others because of their religion.

The New (Anti-)Secularism

Marek Sullivan • Mar 22 2016 • Articles

The more belief and behaviour merge in the minds of policy drafters and radical atheists, the more liberty of conscience becomes ethically untenable.

Russia-US Relations: Brinkmanship and Hostilities Continue

Miles A. Pomper and Gabrielle Tarini • Mar 22 2016 • Articles

The US and Russia are not in a new Cold War. But distrust is deep and the two nations find themselves at the opposite side of the table at almost every turn.

Lessons from COP21: How the Pacific can Alter the Status Quo on Arms Trade

Laura Spano and Nathan Page • Mar 21 2016 • Articles

In our globalised world, illicit trade in small arms, transnational crime and terrorism can be facilitated by inadequate legislative controls and porous borders.

Syria and the Future of the Chemical Weapon Taboo

Brett Edwards and Mattia Cacciatori • Mar 21 2016 • Articles

Events in Syria have further stigmatized chemical weapons, yet does not support the claim that the global norm against chemical weapons is strengthening.

Against State Straightism: Five Principles for Including LGBT Indonesians

Tom Boellstorff • Mar 21 2016 • Articles

Indonesia’s diversity has always included LGBT persons. The question is can they live with freedom, which has been the cry of Indonesian nationalism from its beginnings.

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