
The Half-Truth of Western Political Realism: A Buddhist Critique

William J. Long • Aug 31 2023 • Articles

A Buddhist approach to today’s international challenges represents an ancient, yet innovative, way of thinking about our social worlds.

Buddhist Nationalism and Extremism in Myanmar and North America

Brenna Artinger • Aug 31 2023 • Articles

While Buddhist nationalists are more oriented toward sustaining the religious identity of their state, Buddhist extremists feel that their political identities are being challenged.

Buddhists Do Not Want Space Junk to Fall on Your Head

Daniel Capper • Aug 31 2023 • Articles

Buddhist moral perspectives may result in protective reserves for lunar places of ecological magnificence or compelling scientific value, thereby proactively preserving them from commercial pursuits.

India’s Use of Buddhism: Soft Power, Soft Balancing

David Scott • Aug 31 2023 • Articles

With Narendra Modi en route to win India’s next General Election the “Buddhist” feature of Indian public diplomacy will be maintained.

Opinion – Navigating Epistemic Injustices Between Secularism and Religion

Shafi Md Mostofa • Aug 30 2023 • Articles

To establish an all-encompassing and fair society, efforts must be directed towards appreciating and honoring various knowledge forms.

Opinion – The Expansion of BRICS: Challenges and Uncertainties

William Daldegan • Aug 29 2023 • Articles

BRICS’s expansion reinforces their recognition and weight in international politics and challenges the group in terms of its cohesion and institutionalization.

Between Knowledge and Value: AI as a Technology of Dispossession    

Catriona Gray • Aug 29 2023 • Articles

When we consider the political stakes of the mass diffusion of data-driven technologies, it becomes clear that fundamental struggles over knowledge lie ahead.

Strategic Intelligence Analysis and Foreign Policy Surprises in Kautilya’s Arthashastra

Dheeraj P.C. • Aug 27 2023 • Articles

In the Kautilyan state intelligence analysis was structured to reflect its limitations and complemented by an expanding state power to tackle surprises.

A Defence of Macro-History in International Relations

Ayşe Zarakol • Aug 27 2023 • Articles

We need alternative grand narratives that go beyond Eurocentrism critiques, and for that we still need macro-history.

China in the Pages of Americas Quarterly: Three Interpretations

Lívia Peres Milani and Luciana Wietchikoski • Aug 26 2023 • Articles

Nuances among the narratives presented on China are found in the analysis of pieces published by American and Latin American scholars and elites in Americas Quarterly.

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