
Pakistan’s Security Challenges and Problems in the Next Decade

Salma Malik • Feb 4 2016 • Articles

Pakistan’s agrarian economy, narrow tax base, and ever increasing population present it with more challenges than solutions in the years ahead.

From Cinderella to Beauty and the Beast: (De)Humanising World Society

Matthew Weinert • Feb 4 2016 • Articles

World society as humanity is both beauty and beast; the concept thus ought to capture the complexity of ways human beings manage the very plurality of the human condition

Civilisations and International Society

Andrew Linklater • Feb 2 2016 • Articles

The most powerful societies have not come under sustained pressure to construct an international society that does justice to different cultures or civilisations.

The Need for an English School Research Programme

Robert W. Murray • Feb 2 2016 • Articles

Until practitioners begin to define precisely what an ES research programme would look like, the School’s impact on international theory remains outside the mainstream.

UK-China Relations: A New Model of Influence?

Kerry Brown • Feb 1 2016 • Articles

It will be some time before the effects of the UK’s recent investment engagement strategy towards China become clear; if it pays off it may be a new template of influence

Another Revolt Against the West?

Jason Ralph • Jan 30 2016 • Articles

A post-Iraq United States suggests a weakening of the West’s willingness to maintain dominance; and the rise of China promises the return of a general balance of power.

Ansarullah Bangla Team: A Major Threat for Bangladesh’s Democracy

Siegfried O. Wolf • Jan 30 2016 • Articles

Islamic fundamentalism in Bangladesh poses the most dangerous challenge to the idea of a tolerant, secular democracy in a Muslim majority country.

Middle Power Religion

John A. Rees • Jan 29 2016 • Articles

Whilst the study of religion adds value to our understanding of world affairs, the opposite is also true: the concepts of IR add value to our understanding of religion

Crude Thinking — 7 Ways of Dealing with the Complex in IR

Daniel Clausen • Jan 29 2016 • Articles

Complexity and chaos theory have been associated with modeling and literary fancy, but the suggestions explored here are based on the ethos of rugged practitioners.

Reassessing ‘The Expansion of International Society’

Richard Little • Jan 28 2016 • Articles

The expansion of the international society as articulated by the English School has come under increasing criticism for its putatively pronounced Eurocentric bias.

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