
Neglected Yarns and New Beginnings: A Delhi Diary

Peter Vale • Jan 22 2016 • Articles

There are two paths in IR and, for all the claims of plurality, IR’s equivalent of the dirty little secret is that the margins and the mainstream seldom converge

Turkey and the EU: Strategic Rapprochement in the Shadow of the Refugee Crisis

Beken Saatçioğlu • Jan 21 2016 • Articles

At the present juncture, EU-Turkey relations seem to be evolving towards a strategic partnership rather than Turkey’s full integration into the Union.

How can we face the past seriously? A Comment on the ‘Comfort Women’-Agreement

Kan Kimura • Jan 21 2016 • Articles

The Japanese government has forced the South Korean government to take responsibility for the situation by repeating almost the same ritual apologies made in the 1990s.

The United States and the Issue of Iran-Saudi Arabia Rivalry

Sohail Mahmood • Jan 20 2016 • Articles

The USA cannot take sides in a Shia-Sunni dispute. Yet it must take initiative through quiet diplomacy as only proactive diplomacy can defuse the Iran-Saudi tension.

The Oil of Iran: Past and Present in Perspective

Gregory Brew • Jan 19 2016 • Articles

With vast oil and gas reserves to draw upon, Iran could transform itself into an energy superpower – yet there also remains a great deal of doubt.

The Sustainable Development Goals: An Assessment of Ambition

Mitu Sengupta • Jan 18 2016 • Articles

The SDGs provide global recognition to a broad spectrum of achievements, besides economic growth, that have come to be associated with ‘development’.

World Society and English School Methods

Cornelia Navari • Jan 17 2016 • Articles

Contrary to the billiard-ball metaphor of international politics, states are not just individual elements in a system. They form a ‘world society’.

Capitalism and Competition Regulation in Europe: A Synopsis

Hubert Buch-Hansen and Angela Wigger • Jan 17 2016 • Articles

In the era of embedded liberalism European competition regulation tended to serve a neo-mercantilist purpose by allowing for certain distortions of competition.

The (Mis)calculated Risks of Freedom From Torture’s Awareness Campaign

Gada Mahrouse • Jan 16 2016 • Articles

Despite its ability to capture the public’s attention, FFT’s well-intentioned campaign inadvertently harmed rather than helped its clients.

European Response to Security Threats: Limitations and An Alternative

Mohamed Charfi • Jan 16 2016 • Articles

Hard-line security actions could be necessary to reassure the public and to prevent further strikes. However, they have proven their limits in the very recent past.

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