
The Domestic Foundations of Dollar Domination

Sandy Brian Hager • Jan 4 2016 • Articles

Domestic owners of public debt pressure governments to maintain fiscal credibility which bolsters the appeal of Treasuries in the eyes of their foreign counterparts.

Fortress Europe? Porous Borders and EU Dependence on Neighbour Countries

Jonathan Zaragoza-Cristiani • Jan 2 2016 • Articles

EU borders cannot be understood without understanding the relations with its neighbours and the stability in its borderlands. The image of Fortress Europe is too naïve.

Religious Movements and Religion’s Contribution to Global Civil Society

Paul S. Rowe • Jan 1 2016 • Articles

Religious traditions have withstood the test of time and respond to the inner lives of believers. It is unlikely that they will disappear any time soon.

Technological Innovation and Diffusion: Consequences for IR

Alexander D. Barder • Dec 30 2015 • Articles

Humanity is increasingly going to be faced with technological changes that challenge politics and law at every level. It is unclear whether existing institutions will be able to cope.

Paris COP21 Climate Agreement is Bound to Nothing: What is the Solution?

Graciela Chichilnisky and C. J. Polychroniou • Dec 29 2015 • Articles

The Paris COP21 climate agreement is empty of action. This could be the biggest failure of the global climate negotiations in their 21 years of existence.

National Religions: How to be Both Under God and Under the European Union?

François Foret • Dec 29 2015 • Articles

Religion may appear elusive in a European Union criticised for its abstraction, but the European context reinforces the national character of religions.

Is There a Religious Diversity Peace Dividend?

Dan G. Cox • Dec 28 2015 • Articles

Religious diversity significantly reduces terrorism, which may provide empirical verification for claims that religious freedom increases political stability.

Inter-Religious Work for Peace through Globalised Transnational Civil Society

Pauline Kollontai • Dec 28 2015 • Articles

Inter-religious transnational actors, like Religions for Peace, are assisting in the creation of global civil society by involving women in community development.

The Religion Agenda: The Sahrawi Refugees and the Politics of Tolerance

Elizabeth Shakman Hurd • Dec 26 2015 • Articles

Global advocacy for religious toleration has yielded mixed consequences for the Sahrawi refugees of Algeria by reproducing discourses purveyed by those in power

Education Reform and the Asian Values Debate

Nicholas Tampio • Dec 24 2015 • Articles

The emergence of tutoring businesses all across neighborhoods in the United States is the result of American policymakers’ obsession with test-based education reform.

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