
An Historical Context of Brexit

James Flint • May 6 2016 • Articles

UK’s historiography of political relations with Europe can add much to our understanding of the current contentious debate on the UK’s place in (or out) of the EU.

Doha Talks: Economic Failure or Geopolitical Success?

Ashay Abbhi • May 5 2016 • Articles

Riyadh has pulled off a clever maneuver by not signing a deal that it negotiated and agreed to as it has politically stalled its adversaries and has been a setback to its allies.

Trump as the Beginning of Republican Party 2.0

Stephen McGlinchey • May 4 2016 • Articles

With Ted Cruz’s exit and Trump becoming the presumptive nominee, the Republican Party establishment have decided to lose the 2016 election.

One Mature Student Success Story among Many

Marcela Ganea • May 4 2016 • Articles

Adults can feel frustrated when going back into education and tend to overlook their own experiences, when these can be their best asset in their studies.

Climate Change, Adaptation and International Relations Theory

Mizan R. Khan • Apr 29 2016 • Articles

In IR a state can typically take three approaches: cooperation, unilateralism or inactivity. Within the realm of climate diplomacy, we witness states playing all these roles.

Religion in the Archives of IR

John A. Rees • Apr 29 2016 • Articles

Even a cursory glance at IR and related disciplines prior to 9/11 will reveal a body of work interested in religion as a political theme of primary importance.

War Echo in Ukrainian Mountains

Marta Dyczok • Apr 28 2016 • Articles

The Right Sector emerged during Ukraine’s winter Euromaidan protests and is controversial because of their right wing ideology and advocating the use of force.

Recent Developments toward a Chinese School of IR Theory

Yaqing Qin • Apr 26 2016 • Articles

Chinese IR scholars continue to move ahead toward a Chinese school of IR theory.

Trumped Up Alliances?

Alexander Lanoszka • Apr 26 2016 • Articles

If elected, a President Trump will quickly realize that the foreign policy establishment he loves to criticize has not done a bad job on striking deals.

Education and Extremism: “Fundamental British Values” in the Classroom

Kieran Ford • Apr 25 2016 • Articles

That a government-endorsed set of values is undemocratic may come as no surprise. The fact that it has gone unchallenged should come as a grave concern.

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