
Understanding Youth Radicalization in the Age of ISIS: A Psychosocial Analysis

Kumar Ramakrishna • Feb 11 2016 • Articles

Analysis of psychosocial attributes of youth, suggests policies guided by the principle of ‘good families via good societies’ may help the youth radicalization problem.

Is Natural Resource-Based Development Still Realistic for Africa?

Jesse Salah Ovadia • Feb 10 2016 • Articles

In a world of low oil prices, local content can make petro-development more realistic for African oil and gas producers, not less.

Dhee: Unknowability and Queering Realities in Bangladesh

Saad Adnan Khan • Feb 9 2016 • Articles

The politics around sexuality are manifold. Through Dhee’s advocacy in Bangladesh, there is hope that an organic shift in understanding will take place community members.

The Iran-Iraq War: The Use of Religion as a Tool

Satgin Hamrah • Feb 7 2016 • Articles

Throughout history religion has effectively served as an instrument or even a weapon of war. This strategy was also used during the Iran-Iraq war

Shifting Gears: From Global to Regional

Yannis Stivachtis • Feb 6 2016 • Articles

Does it still make sense to speak of a global international society? And what methodological challenges does this pose to the English School?

Playing with Exclusionary Logics: Alternative Spatio-Temporal Understandings

Aoileann Ní Mhurchú • Feb 5 2016 • Articles

An alternative spatio-temporal imagery is an ‘invitation to become lost in the world’. Everyday experiences drive the need to rethink our understanding in and of IR.

Global Ambition and National Differentiation in the Paris Agreement and the SDGs

Graham Long • Feb 5 2016 • Articles

The apparent success in reaching the Paris Agreement as well as the UN sustainable development goals should be treated with caution

The Fight against the ‘Islamic State’ in Syria and the Right to Self-Defence

Irene Couzigou • Feb 5 2016 • Articles

The fight against IS in Syria may lead to a customary evolution of the right to self-defence, concerning the addressee of that right and the moment for action.

International Monitoring of North Korea’s 2016 Nuclear Test

Arun Vishwanathan • Feb 5 2016 • Articles

Sanctioning the North Korean economy and its leadership seems to be the best possible short-term option available to the international community to curb its nuclear proliferation.

Dressing the Sovereign: Fashion as a Symbolic Form of Sovereignty

Andreas Behnke • Feb 4 2016 • Articles

Rather than a ‘mask’ for a decapitated sovereign, fashion diplomacy provides a sartorial symbolic form for this sovereignty, making it visible and appreciable.

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