
Religion’s Changing Form and Relation to the State since 1989

Linda Woodhead • Oct 5 2015 • Articles

Perceptions of religion remain stuck in an old paradigm which does not represent the extent of the religious revolution that is taking place.

Poll Results in Singapore: Old Continuities and New Challenges

Vignesh Ram • Oct 2 2015 • Articles

Singapore’s politics is in the process of evolution. Democratisation is a comprehensive exercise which helps to reaffirm the faith in the ruling polity and the people.

Faustian Pacts and the War beneath My Feet

Peter Vale • Oct 1 2015 • Articles

As quickly as mining shafts were sealed in Johannesburg they have been re-opened and worked by a new generation of illegal miners run by gangs.

Breaking the Silence

Megan Nobert • Sep 30 2015 • Articles

Humanitarian organisations must commit to countering the prevalent impunity of perpetrators of sexual abuse and harassment within humanitarian agencies.

Sectarian Divisions, Proxy Wars and Chaos

Satgin Hamrah • Sep 27 2015 • Articles

It is important to have a firm grasp of the role that religion and sectarianism play as mobilizing forces in the regional politics of the Middle East.

Church, State and Culture: Should Religion Be a Private Matter?

Brendan Sweetman • Sep 26 2015 • Articles

Secular liberalism has become an influential, even dominant, worldview among sections of the intellectual class in many Western societies.

The Contemporary Ambiguities of Religions as a Source of Civilisational Identity

Fabio Petito • Sep 25 2015 • Articles

The international society is experiencing an epoch-making process of transformation. The global resurgence of religion is not unrelated to these structural changes.

Forced Marriage in Australia: Definitely Not the ‘Usual Suspects’

Carolyn M. Evans • Sep 23 2015 • Articles

Forced marriage comprises an untidy bundle of wrongs lost at the intersection of international relations, state sovereignty, human rights, and criminal accountability.

VVP: Is Vladimir Putin the Super-Villain We’ve All Been Waiting For?

Robert A. Saunders • Sep 22 2015 • Articles

Like Osama bin Laden circa 2000, Vladimir Putin, while real enough, is more a figment of our popular-geopolitical imagination, and one which we cannot live without.

Turkey’s Borderlands, the Syrian Civil War, and the Kurds

Ugur Ümit Üngör • Sep 22 2015 • Articles

For countries that share a long land border and overlapping populations with similar customs, ‘spillover’ is a natural sociological corollary of transnational ties.

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