
Looking Back to See Forward: Romanticism, Religion and the Secular in Modernity

Mark Cladis • Sep 21 2015 • Articles

The pervasive religious aspects of Romanticism demonstrate the failure of previous theories of secularisation. Modernity has never been a monolithic intellectual.

The State of the Art of the English School

Filippo Costa Buranelli • Sep 18 2015 • Articles

The English School has resisted well to criticism and calls for closure over the years, refining some of its under-specified aspects without losing its central identity

Four Religions of Foreign Policy

John A. Rees • Sep 18 2015 • Articles

There are many healthy debates on religion and foreign policy, but there is still more to say about the nuances of religion at play in the international sphere.

The Shanghai Cooperation Organization: An Historical Perspective

Georges Depeyrot • Sep 17 2015 • Articles

The Shanghai Cooperation Organization marks a shift in Russia’s politics and changes the role of China in the region, as it seeks to play a leading role in the world.

Shifting Territorial Orders and Religion

Gertjan Dijkink • Sep 14 2015 • Articles

All ingredients for a religious revival are present in the current era: the experience of imperial threat and a change in the spatial configuration of authority.

Little Do They Know. How (Not) to Theorise Religion and International Relations

Jodok Troy • Sep 11 2015 • Articles

Less theology and more religious sociology along with the study of political theory would contribute a more nuanced understanding of ‘Nations under God’.

LGBT Rights, Standards of ‘Civilisation’ and the Multipolar World Order

Katja Kahlina and Dušica Ristivojević • Sep 10 2015 • Articles

LGBT rights have been turned into an important site where the on-going restructuring of symbolic and geopolitical hierarchies at the global level has been played out.

Missile Defense Questions Need a Political Answer

Duane Neal • Sep 10 2015 • Articles

Missile defense carries indisputable benefits to U.S. foreign policy. However, it requires commitments form allies and partners to be sustainable.

The Religious Resurgence: Problems and Opportunities for International Relations Theory

Stephen Dawson • Sep 8 2015 • Articles

Religion used as a scholarly term should be carefully distinguished from the notion of religion used in everyday speech. When theorists stalk religion, they should do so critically.

‘Mind the Gap’: Triangulating the Worlds of State, Academia, and Think-Tanks

Piki Ish-Shalom • Sep 5 2015 • Articles

Think-tanks can function as the shock absorbers that reduce the pressure on scholars, allowing a more truthful flow of academic knowledge to the state.

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