
Two Texts, One Vision: Kautilya’s Arthashastra and Thiruvalluvar’s Kural

Pradeep Kumar Gautam and Saurabh Mishra • Aug 17 2023 • Articles

Comparing Arthashastra and Kural unveils the shared undercurrents that traverse the diverse tapestry of Indian intellectual heritage, foregrounding ‘unity in diversity’.

Buddhism and Global IR

Kosuke Shimizu • Aug 17 2023 • Articles

This overview of Buddhism’s tryst with IR, particularly the inferences derived from the notion of ‘relationality’, shows how it can contribute to Global IR.

Self-Other Relations in Sikhism: Theoretical Insights for Global IR

Seerat Arora • Aug 17 2023 • Articles

Sikh philosophy can serve as a platform to rethink self-other relations, at a time when IR theory and practice seem fraught with increasing ‘us versus them’ tensions.

The Mughal Experiment: The Indo-Islamic Legacy of Global IR

Vasileios Syros • Aug 17 2023 • Articles

The Indo-Islamic model can go a long way in helping to reconcile the seemingly divergent Western and non-Western scientific approaches.

Gandhi and the Posthumanist Agenda: An Early Expression of Global IR

Purushottama Bilimoria • Aug 17 2023 • Articles

Gandhi’s influence on modern India and the wider world presents itself as a peculiar political experiment that promises to add to contemporary discourse on Global IR.

Tagore’s Ideas on Universalism, Cultural Distinction, and the Global

Pradip Kumar Datta • Aug 17 2023 • Articles

Tagore’s ‘Global’ belonging is one that did not need to be facelessly cosmopolitan or draw the global into becoming a battlefield of cultural universals.

India’s Taste for Violence: Globalisation Beyond Commercialisation

Deep K. Datta-Ray • Aug 17 2023 • Articles

Gandhi takes globalisation from the Mahabharata and crafts an entirely new politics, satyagraha, based on ‘disinterested love’, not ‘interested contract’.

Opinion – Environmental Loss and Repression in Iran

Wilder Alejandro Sánchez • Aug 15 2023 • Articles

Environmental challenges in Iran, like dangerous levels of air pollution in Tabriz, the pollution of the Aras River, and the dying Lake Urmia, make the life of Azerbaijanis even worse.

Opinion – Britain and the American South: A Special Relationship?

Curtis Large • Aug 15 2023 • Articles

While the UK and the US South seek to improve understandings of one another’s society and politics, historical attempts have proved fruitless.

Pop Culture to Conspiracy: Star Trek and the Nimitz ‘Tic Tac’ Case in the Context of Congressional UAP Hearings

Luke M. Herrington • Aug 14 2023 • Articles

The fact that events portrayed in fiction could be so easily and uncritically confused for events that really transpired raises questions.

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