The rise of China as a significant player in international politics is viewed with suspicion, and questions emerge whether it will challenge the hegemony of the U.S.
Maintaining ASEAN’s relevance amidst external power rivalries is premised upon ASEAN’s regional institutions remaining resilient to influences by external factors.
ISIS reaps political dividends from the mere fact of the obsessive concern and anxiety in the West over the destruction of antiquities in Syria and Iraq.
Social movements that seek to combat corruption in Lebanon face a large number of obstacles when attempting to apply strategies suitable to change the system.
The UN has to live up to its commitment to eradicate sexual exploitation and abuse by peacekeepers and act upon unknown outcomes and severely deficient victim assistance.
Secularisation theory wrongly predicted religion’s death, yet this theory is still a crucial source of insight on the nature of religion’s opposition in world politics.
Interacting with content through active learning has some compelling advantages over ‘delivery mode’ lectures. It helps to maintain student concentration & deepens learning.
The way out of this world of spectacles we have normalised is not to say more but to hear more, to grasp the hidden erasure of suffering in different contexts.
Against the backdrop of the situation of the refugees trying to enter Europe, it is crucial to find the necessary steps needed to stop the exodus of Afghan people.
In the prevailing nationalist discourse any discoveries of faith raise the suspicion of a religious obscurantism, extra-territorial allegiances, or threats of terrorism.
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