
Creating a New Road Map for Resolving the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

Raphael Cohen-Almagor • Dec 26 2014 • Articles

To resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict there is a need for courageous leaders on both sides who seize the opportunities and make the most for their peoples.

G20 and the Culture of Protests

Monish Tourangbam • Dec 26 2014 • Articles

The culture of protests has become a common sight in all G20 summits, so much so that preventing violent activism has become an inevitable part of the security planning.

Shall Not Perish: Remembering the Indian Ocean Tsunami

Mukesh Kapila • Dec 26 2014 • Articles

Ten years ago, the Indian Ocean Tsunami was triggered by one of the largest-ever earthquakes. But it was not just nature that broke records. So did the disaster response.

The Effectiveness of Peacekeeping during Civil War

Daniel Blocq • Dec 24 2014 • Articles

Research on cases of failure and success within and across peacekeeping operations should include the strengths of the quantitative approach and the power of ethnography.

‘The Interview’ and the Popular Culture-World Politics Continuum

Robert A. Saunders • Dec 23 2014 • Articles

In the wake of this scandal, it is possible that other states may use novel tools and techniques to extinguish negative representations of national identity in film.

How Mary Saves the World – One Life at a Time

Mukesh Kapila • Dec 23 2014 • Articles

Zambia is overcoming the burden of HIV thanks to dedicated volunteers. In a very real sense, they are also saving their country and the world, one life at a time.

Emotion and Dystopian Idealism in Security Studies

Eric Van Rythoven • Dec 21 2014 • Articles

While forms of power are important they do not necessarily shape collective emotions which can be situated in a much more dispersed sets of cultural practices.

Is there a Cabin in the Woods? Reflections on Mass Surveillance and Human Rights

Benjamin J. Muller • Dec 21 2014 • Articles

Contemporary impulses to surveil and Moves to securitize nearly all forms of mobility and otherness are opposed to notions of hospitality, acceptance and understanding.

Airpower Hopes: The West versus the Islamic State, and the Evolution of Warfare

Strobe Driver • Dec 21 2014 • Articles

Western leaders should not embrace the ‘can do’ elements airpower offers, and seek policies which would not have the volatile backlashes associated with its use.

Gang Violence, Public Health, and Security in Honduras

Alexis Henshaw • Dec 18 2014 • Articles

Left unchecked, gang violence threatens to undo years of development work Honduras, and will lead to the further deterioration of physical and mental health.

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