
Axiomatic Solutions to Transboundary River Conflicts

Erik Ansink • May 19 2015 • Articles

Axioms relate to variability and uncertainty of river flow, the main drivers for countries’ defection from agreements or choice for non-cooperation in the first place

Worlds of Our Making in Science Fiction and International Relations

Nicholas J. Kiersey and Iver B. Neumann • May 19 2015 • Articles

Sci-fi is able to pose fictional worlds that, while cognitively coherent on their own terms, inevitably maintain a link with the experiences we share in our own world

Diversity Policy in Ukraine and Its Neighbours: Running on the Spot Again?

Alexander Osipov • May 18 2015 • Articles

Diversity policies in Ukraine, Russia, Moldova and Belarus have similar features and focus on recreating a narrative of multi-ethnicity with an ethnic or cultural core.

The Hidden Politics of Militarization and Pop Culture as Political Communication

Linda Åhäll • May 16 2015 • Articles

Unless we pay attention to what is happening beyond the most visibly militarised context we will miss an important dimension to the logics of militarisation.

Perspectives for Russia’s Future: The Case for Narrative Analysis

Edwin Bacon • May 15 2015 • Articles

In relation to Russia, the scenario of authoritarian stability and global power alongside economic decline and consumer dissatisfaction is a pertinent one.

Who is a Refugee?

Phil Cole • May 15 2015 • Articles

The very idea of who counts as a refugee is at stake due to new political discourse, and that may have dangerous consequences for all those seeking asylum around the world.

Ending the Islamic State’s Siren Song

Jamsheed K. Choksy • May 14 2015 • Articles

Terminating IS requires shutting down their message streams while decisively communicating to prospective acolytes that the caliphate does not offer the rewards it promises.

Crafting an Effective Foreign Policy to Confront Terrorism in the Middle East

Matthew S. Cohen • May 12 2015 • Articles

As long as Hamas or Hezbollah are viewed as less “bad” than ISIS and are seen as parties that can be reasonably dealt with, there can be no peace in the Middle East.

Mohammad in Texas: When Transnational Civil Society Becomes Violent

Hope Lozano Bielat • May 12 2015 • Articles

The Islamic State would be successful in winning international favor, and international recognition of its borders, if it did not resort to extreme levels of violence.

Democracy and Geopolitics: Understanding Ukraine’s Threat to Russia

Paul D'Anieri • May 11 2015 • Articles

For Russia to feel secure, Ukraine needs to be geopolitically neutralised. Otherwise to renew stability either Russia or the West will have to accept the loss of Ukraine.

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