
Come Fly with Me: Airports and Geographies of Rendition

Klaus Dodds and Peter Adey • Dec 18 2014 • Articles

The airport has been a key site for investigating how the war on terror has manifested itself in terms of security and surveillance and monitoring the body and behavior.

Constructing a Realistic Cosmopolitanism

Chris Peys • Dec 18 2014 • Articles

World citizenship is not based upon a Utopian fantasy. Instead, world citizenship begins from the recognition that all people come from and exist within communities.

Legal Pluralism and Sharia: Implementing Islamic Law in States and Societies

Adel Elsayed Sparr • Dec 18 2014 • Articles

In the case of Sharia – apart from the necessary reinterpretation – the best alternative solution is not legal pluralism; it is to encourage political participation.

Pledging Allegiance to ISIS:  Who Benefits Most?

Mark N. Katz • Dec 17 2014 • Articles

Rivalries among jihadist movements will not bring about their downfall, but they will prevent the unified, worldwide jihadist movement that ISIS has sought to build.

Islamic Governance Theory in Moroccan Islamist Discourse

Juan A. Macias-Amoretti • Dec 15 2014 • Articles

The use of Islamic concepts as the ‘imamate’ and the ‘caliphate’ by main Moroccan Islamist actors in their discourse are linked to a concrete model of Islamic government.

Balancing on a Warship

Andreas Kuersten • Dec 15 2014 • Articles

In a precarious but skilful positioning in its Mistral contract with Russia, France will continue to stand firmly infirm between domestic and international duties.

A Proposed Theory of Knowledge: Neuro-Rational Physicalism

Nayef Al-Rodhan • Dec 13 2014 • Articles

Comprehending that the ways we acquire knowledge are culturally mediated would be a profound step in softening rigid categories of “otherness” in our globalized world.

Rama-Vucic: A Historic Visit?

Joseph Coelho • Dec 12 2014 • Articles

Doubts about the view that current tensions in Albania-Serbia relations are based on long-standing projects of greater nation-state expansion. Such narratives are myths.

Political Islam and Arab Civil Society

Timothy Poirson • Dec 12 2014 • Articles

Political Islam is a term that is often used amongst circles of academics and policymakers, but its complexity is seldom acknowledged or understood – especially post 2011.

East Ukraine’s Four Perspectives

Roland Benedikter • Dec 11 2014 • Articles

An autonomy solution for East Ukraine, based on the South Tyrol model, represents a practical, temporary compromise and avoids furthering threats of a frozen conflict.

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