
Popular Geopolitics and the ‘War on Terror’

Klaus Dodds • May 10 2015 • Articles

Representational logics, emotion and affect, and intertextuality offer methodological insights into how popular geopolitics connects to the war on terror.

The Congress of EuroVision: Building European Community One Bricolage at a Time

Joel Vessels • May 8 2015 • Articles

By taking on the kitschy blandishments of the Eurovision and by contributing to the construction of shared experience, post-Soviet nations brand themselves as European.

Neuroscience and Politics: Do Not Hold Your Breath

Jan Slaby • May 8 2015 • Articles

There is more politics in the “neuro” than there is “neuro” in politics. Political theory must not abstain from drawing on neuroscientific results where appropriate.

Lest We Forget: Religion and the Remembrance of War in a Secular State

John A. Rees • May 7 2015 • Articles

The memorialisation of ANZAC in Australia shows that faith tradition can add depth of memory to sovereign self-understanding, even in secular states.

Western Economic Sanctions and Russia’s Place in the Global Economy

Richard Connolly • May 7 2015 • Articles

By using the narrative of an external threat, the Russian leadership seeks to justify centralisation of political economy and the suppression of economic competition.

Beyond Babylon? Teaching International Politics in the 21st Century

Jonas Hagmann • May 7 2015 • Articles

IR students are rarely taught to apply reflexive perspectives to world politics – nor are they sensitized to non-American, non-Western, and female scholars’ perspectives.

Cuba and the United States: Beyond the Hype, a Long Road

Michael J. Bustamante • May 7 2015 • Articles

Perhaps it is only a matter of time before the levee breaks and U.S. capital floods into Cuba. If so, marginalized portions of the population understandably worry about falling further behind.

Syriza, Podemos, Venceremos? Syriza and the Future of the European Left

Nikolaos Nikolakakis • May 6 2015 • Articles

Syriza’s victory could, provoke a series of chain reactions inside the EU. Nonetheless, it is its success that could really provoke a European-wide political earthquake.

US and Russia: Terrestrial Tensions and Extra-Terrestrial Cooperation

Steven Freeland • May 5 2015 • Articles

Despite diplomatic manoeuvring on Earth, scientific cooperative between Russia and the US continues in space yet affected by the machinations of terrestrial realpolitik.

Young Western Women, Fandom, and ISIS

Brigitte L. Nacos • May 5 2015 • Articles

ISIS women act increasingly as internet recruiters and online jihadists as social media offer groups ample opportunities for the cultivation of para-social relationships.

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