
Turkey, the Islamic State, and the Kurdistan Liberation Movement

Joost Jongerden and Bahar Şimşek • Nov 24 2014 • Articles

The congruence IS seeks to create between culture and geography resembles the development of a modern nation-state more than many might be willing to admit.

Nuclear Deal with Iran: Worth It or Not?

Mostafa Mousavipour • Nov 23 2014 • Articles

If there is an opportunity for the US and Iran to drop their sloganeering and meet halfway to lay the groundwork for meaningful relations, it is worth trying now.

Anarchy in the UK? Debating the Scottish Referendum Aftermath: Part 2

Stephen McGlinchey • Nov 20 2014 • Articles

The UK’s major parties and international partners, especially the USA, do not want the kind of security or defence posture that has been discussed in Scotland in recent months.

Anarchy in the UK? Debating the Scottish Referendum Aftermath: Part 1

Phil Cole • Nov 19 2014 • Articles

The UK public have an appetite for change but not for unpredictability. That makes the whole process a political minefield running up to the 2015 General Election.

BBC and Genocide in Rwanda: Conflict of Competence over Post-Genocide Narrative

Richard Benda • Nov 17 2014 • Articles

Told or untold, known or unknown, the story of the Rwandan genocide still rouses raw passions and powerful emotions.

Bringing It All Back Home

Dylan Kissane • Nov 17 2014 • Articles

There are lots of small changes coming to the POLS 210 course in the Spring, but the biggest change is to the course website which is going public for the first time.

Abe (Finally) Meets Xi: A Step towards Stabilization of Japan-China Relations?

Yuki Tatsumi • Nov 16 2014 • Articles

The two sides have decided to discuss plans to prevent maritime accidents from turning into military crises, whilst working to resume bilateral dialogue in other areas.

Star Trek and Realism

Aaron Haviland • Nov 14 2014 • Articles

In order to remain relevant and meaningful, Star Trek needs to move beyond Wilsonian tropes and ask more difficult questions about international relations.

Dilma’s Brazil

Louis W. Goodman • Nov 13 2014 • Articles

Serious measures will have to be put in place if Brazil is to sustain its competitiveness and continue to be one of the engines of economic growth for the global economy.

The Predictable and Permanent Nature of the Islamic State

Glen Segell • Nov 12 2014 • Articles

History is providing examples of the evolution and transformation of regimes away from their radical and extremist stances to participation in the international system.

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