
Who Has a Right to Representation?

Simon Thompson • Apr 18 2015 • Articles

Should the Maori be entitled to a reserved number of seats in the New Zealand parliament? Such an arrangement goes to the heart of the debate over representation.

Chasing Prestige in the Academy: How the System Undermines Itself

Robert L. Oprisko • Apr 18 2015 • Articles

Instead of education being a great social leveler, prestige seeking has reinforced the competitive advantage of the rich and powerful – undermining the viability of many universities.

‘Hybrid War’ and ‘Little Green Men’: How It Works, and How It Doesn’t

Mark Galeotti • Apr 16 2015 • Articles

While Russia won the military war to create Novorossiya and intelligence war to support combat operations, it has not achieved its aims and is losing the political war.

The Forgotten Story of ‘Me Llamo Martina Sola’

Melixa Abad Izquierdo • Apr 15 2015 • Articles

Outside of Latin America telenovelas are perceived as a generic product. But each country possesses a unique form of telenovela, identifiable by its stylistic attributes.

Net Neutrality and Its Relationship to National Security

James P. Welch • Apr 15 2015 • Articles

Net neutrality was never really connected to the national security debate but there definitely a connection between the two; though contentious and problematic at best.

Between East & West: NATO Enlargement & the Geopolitics of the Ukraine Crisis

Edward W. Walker • Apr 13 2015 • Articles

The post-Cold War security architecture and the enlargement of NATO have played the main role in creating the conditions for and exacerbating the Ukraine crisis.

Offshore Interdiction Operations and the Refugee Rights of Irregular Migrants

Sara K. McGuire • Apr 12 2015 • Articles

In fear that ISIL fighters might enter Europe as irregular asylum-seekers, EU policymakers are scrambling to implement new policies to prevent the arrival of these groups

ISIS: Sectarianism, Geopolitics and Strong/Weak Horses

Simon Mabon • Apr 10 2015 • Articles

There are many reasons, both endogenous and exogenous as to why people would join ISIS. Still, questions remain as to what motivates an individual to travel and fight.

India’s Daughter and the Limits of Transnational Feminist Solidarity

Meenakshi Gigi Durham • Apr 10 2015 • Articles

India’s Daughter matters because it launched intense public dialogues around long-repressed societal problems of sexual violence and misogyny, in India and elsewhere.

Publishing or Perishing in the 21st Century

Stephen McGlinchey • Apr 9 2015 • Articles

Everyone knows the phrase ‘publish or perish’. But, what does that mean to today’s early career academic as they try to balance their workload and plan their publications?

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