
The Asia-Pacific Scramble and a ‘Larger Australia’

Strobe Driver • Mar 30 2015 • Articles

Australia should begin to position itself as a politically-astute player in the region and in doing so, make decisions that create realpolitik rather than frictions.

Bhutan’s International Presence and the 2018 World Cup Qualifiers

Sarina Theys • Mar 30 2015 • Articles

Bhutan’s recent upset victory over Sri Lanka in the 2018 World Cup qualifiers should be seen as an apt analogy for Bhutan’s wider presence in the international community.

Ukrainian Politics since Independence

Andrew Wilson • Mar 30 2015 • Articles

Ukrainian politics will remain a struggle between old- and new-style politics, although it remains to be seen how much of the old informal politics has changed.

The ‘Responsibility to Protect’ at 10

Simon Adams • Mar 29 2015 • Articles

There will continue to be disappointments and incongruities, and the battle will be decades long, but the arc of history is bending in the direction of R2P and justice.

Joint Military Force for the Arab League: Feasible or Not?

Rhea Abraham • Mar 29 2015 • Articles

With tensions rising in the region, the League requires a systematic approach to address security issues in terms of crisis prevention rather than merely crisis managing.

Netanyahu’s Victory and Israel’s Future

Ian Lustick • Mar 27 2015 • Articles

Ultimately the choice for Israelis will be between a state organized to discriminate against non-Jews, and an Israeli state organized to respect all its citizens.

Student Input into Teaching Materials

Stephen McGlinchey • Mar 26 2015 • Articles

Trusting the student voice (with a tiny bit of steering) and trying new things has paid off in multiple ways for me, and hopefully for the students in my classes too.

Russians in Ukraine: Before and after Euromaidan

Mikhail Pogrebinskiy • Mar 26 2015 • Articles

The 2014 Euromaidan and the following conflict have reinforced negative attitudes to, and marginalisation of, Russians and the Russian-speaking population of Ukraine.

Crimea: People and Territory before and after Annexation

Ivan Katchanovski • Mar 24 2015 • Articles

While Crimea is likely to remain a point of conflict between Ukraine/the West and Russia, the return of the territory to the Ukrainian state is virtually impossible.

Lebanon’s Hizbullah

Atef Alshaer • Mar 24 2015 • Articles

Ethnic motivations underlying Hizbullah’s politics acting upon the perceived interests of the Shiite community in Lebanon are likely to further erode its legitimacy.

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