
Recent Events in Russia May Encourage Separatism

As the West struggles to formulate the next steps in response to the Ukraine crisis, it should also think about the possible development of separatism within Russia.

Everyday Life after Annexation: The Autonomous Republic of Crimea

Greta Uehling • Mar 20 2015 • Articles

A new order is solidifying in Crimea that celebrates the reunion with Russia, even as the rights and the wellbeing of the indigenous people are eclipsed.

Islamic State and the Hypocrisy of Sovereignty

Hope Lozano Bielat • Mar 20 2015 • Articles

The extent to which IS challenges sovereignty depends on its future actions. Its conception of sovereignty cannot survive in the current world order of nation-states.

Roots and Features of Modern Ukrainian National Identity and Nationalism

Denys Kiryukhin • Mar 19 2015 • Articles

State politics since Ukraine’s independence were aimed at the consolidation of the homogeneity in culture and language of the dominance of Ukrainian cultural traditions

Building a Reform Movement: Could Muslims Emulate Nineteenth Century Judaism?

Jonathan Benthall • Mar 16 2015 • Articles

The challenge for Islamic reformers today is vastly more politically complicated. But could lessons on religious reform be found in Nineteenth Century Judaism?

Regulating Religion in Public Space

Simon Thompson • Mar 16 2015 • Articles

Is it wrong to prevent some religious groups from putting up certain buildings or should a religious majority be allowed to shape public space just as it wishes?

Shadows Cast over Democracy in the Caribbean

Peter Clegg • Mar 16 2015 • Articles

What took place in St Kitts and Nevis indicates that despite the generally good record of democracy in the Caribbean, the region cannot rest on its laurels.

Brothers Grimm or Brothers Karamazov: The Myth and the Reality of How Russians and Ukrainians View the Other

Olga Onuch • Mar 15 2015 • Articles

Ukrainians and Russians do not generally view each other in a hostile manner, however, each side views the current relations between the two in a different way.

Understanding the Other Ukraine: Identity and Allegiance in Russophone Ukraine

Nicolai N. Petro • Mar 13 2015 • Articles

In the traditionally Russophone regions of Ukraine, political conflict arises whenever the legitimacy of Russian culture is challenged.

Ethnic and Social Composition of Ukraine’s Regions and Voting Patterns

David R. Marples • Mar 10 2015 • Articles

Regional voting is the most characteristic feature of Ukrainian elections, but additional factors also affect voting preferences such as the social position of the voter.

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