
Eight Substrates for a Possible Universal Axiology

Nayef Al-Rodhan • Oct 21 2014 • Articles

An agenda that reinforces and demonstrates the history of cultural cross-pollination is key to framing today’s era of continued globalisation in positive terms.

Iran, Latin American, and U.S. National Security

Jose de Arimateia da Cruz • Oct 21 2014 • Articles

Iran’s foreign policy toward Latin America can be seen as antagonistic toward the U.S. It also fulfills Iran’s attempt to establish a presence in the U.S.’s backyard.

The Ebola Threat: Don’t Forget the Caribbean

Peter Clegg • Oct 21 2014 • Articles

While the world’s attention is on West Africa, Europe and the US, one should not forget the threat that Ebola poses to the Caribbean – an area where authorities may struggle to contain it.

The Developing World’s Tragic Engagement with Microcredit

Milford Bateman • Oct 20 2014 • Articles

The microcredit model has tragically failed. Governments now need to establish community-based financial institutions that can promote sustainable pro-poor development.

Ebola and the Politics of a Global Health Crisis

Sophie Harman • Oct 20 2014 • Articles

Ebola reveals that the globality of global health governance is a fallacy. It is not only a health crisis, but a crisis of divisive global health governance.

The Islamic State and Its Viability

Mohammed Nuruzzaman • Oct 19 2014 • Articles

The IS is a reality that it is here to stay, and it looks to have set for gradual expansion of its territorial boundaries to redraw the political map of the Middle East.

The Irresistible Rise of Nigel Farage

Phil Cole • Oct 18 2014 • Articles

Winning an MP is the latest step in what looks like an unstoppable march to power and influence by Nigel Farage and his eurosceptic UK Independence Party.

Simulating Statecraft

Dylan Kissane • Oct 18 2014 • Articles

Plunged into days of debate, discussion, negotiation, and – hopefully – resolution of a crisis, good simulations can give students a taste for the business of politics.

Beyond the Military Front

A.R. Sriskanda Rajah • Oct 16 2014 • Articles

Whilst many would feel uneasy recognising law enforcement action to be war, it can be recognised as war whenever law enforcement produces the effects of battle.

Nigeria’s Rebased Economy and Its Role in Regional and Global Politics

Victor A. O. Adetula • Oct 13 2014 • Articles

Nigeria’s influence is gradually growing due to its rising economy, but its status and role in regional and global politics is not likely to experience rapid growth.

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