
A Liberal Defense of Barack Obama’s Foreign Policy

Benjamin E. Goldsmith • Oct 6 2014 • Articles

Obama is a foreign policy Liberal, in the best sense of the term. He has delivered a balanced foreign policy that protects U.S. interests while promoting U.S. values.

Maher vs. Aslan: Islam Is Not Violent, People Are…

Stephen McGlinchey • Oct 3 2014 • Articles

The big foreign policy issues facing us often revolve around deeply divisive religious issues. So, we should educate ourselves rather than settle behind one talking head.

MOOC Revolutions?

Giles Scott-Smith • Oct 1 2014 • Articles

Educational methods are never static. MOOCs do at least make those of us active in education reflect on what we do, how we do it, and why we do it. And that is not bad.

What Counts for Important?

Dylan Kissane • Sep 30 2014 • Articles

Part of the job of an IR professor is to challenge the student to see that what happens in a distant land can have real implications for local politics too.

India’s Seven Freedoms Doctrine to Nepal

Bishnu Pathak • Sep 28 2014 • Articles

Nepalese people willingly wait to see whether Modi’s doctrine will pursue a merely cosmetic or real change, or a determined fast-track change, in the future.

BRICS’s New Institutions and Their Impact on International Political Economy

Victoria V. Panova • Sep 27 2014 • Articles

Where the challenge lies for the Golden Billion is in the form and method of decision-taking and new model of cooperation founded on mutual respect and support.

Evolving Canadian Multilateralism

Robert W. Murray • Sep 26 2014 • Articles

Every state’s foreign policy should be designed to maximize security and pursue national interests. But Canada’s current approach may not lead to the desired outcomes.

Violent Virtual Games and the Consequences for Real War

Margot Susca • Sep 24 2014 • Articles

The U.S. Army is using virtual violent video games to recruit and train soldiers for real war. This should trouble scholars across disciplines.

Mothers of Srebrenica v the Netherlands: The Law as Constraint for Peacekeeping?

Lenneke Sprik • Sep 24 2014 • Articles

Balancing the expectations raised by peacekeeping and the legal remedies should make future tort claims as a response to failed peacekeeping missions less plausible.

More than a Family Business: US Military Interventions in Iraq in Perspective

Diego Pagliarulo • Sep 23 2014 • Articles

As it begins new military efforts to improve stability in the Middle East, the US must expand efforts to encourage cooperation among the region’s most influential actors.

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